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"Unexpected Reunion"


"You!?" Yejin said with her eyes widen. She couldn't believe this, Ah Jin Ah is infront of her eyes right now. 'Am I dreaming? She's alive?' In her mind. "Ye-jin?" Jin Ah said with her teary eyes. "Ah Jin Ah... You're alive?" Yejin said and her tears escape from her eyes without her knowing. "You're alive and hiding in this place, why you have to do this?" Yejin said. Jin Ah didn't speak. Yejin look at the baby boy in the stroller. Jin Ah also look at her baby, and she immediately pack her belongings and she grab the stroller to leave. "Jin Ah! Wait..." Yejin said as she follow her. Jin Ah didn't speak and ignore her continue to walk as fast as she could. "Let's talk... please.." Yejin said but Jun Ah continue to her walk. Yejin walk fast to follow her and when it seems Jin Ah is a bit far away from her, she run fast as she could and grab her in her arms, "please... Don't go.. Let's talk.." Yejin said. She felt her abdomen tighten but she try to ignored it. Jin Ah pull away her arms from Yejin's hand. "Stop following me... Pretend that you didn't saw me.. Can you? Please, stay away from me and don't bring me back to the past." Jin Ah said. "Jin Ah... wait..." Yejin said. Her abdomen started to hurt but she think that  they need talk what happened at the past and she also needs to know her reason for her not to feel guilty. She think this is the right opportunity to have closure, so each one of them can move on. Jin Ah was about to leave when Yejin hold her in her arms and try to stop her. "Jin Ah... I know it's a big favor but... Can you please help me?" Yejin said. Jin Ah turn around to look at her but to her surprised, she saw Yejin's face in pale and sweating. "Are you okay?" Jin ah said. Her annoyance turns to worry when she saw her. "What's wrong?" Jin Ah said with worry in her tone and Yejin felt her sincerity. Her abdomen tightening and she hold her in her hands tightly. She knew that it's hard to trust her again but in this kind of situation, she needs help from her. "I'm pregnant... And my tummy hurts, please help me.."Yejin said. Jin Ah got shocked on what she heard and her eyes got widen. "Oh god, wait me here and I will call for help. Just stay here, okay?" Jin Ah said. Yejin hold her in her arms to stop her. If they caught attention from the crowd, it will be a big mess. And if the media will find out about this, they will knew her situation and also they will know the truth, that Jin Ah is still alive. Yejin thinks that fate brought them here for a reason and she needs to find out what it is. "No need.. I can walk but please help me.." Yejin said. Jin Ah look at her and trying to read her mind. She let out a deep sigh, "you can walk? Are you sure?" Jin Ah said. Yejin nodded. "Let's go to my car I will take you to my OB. Don't worry it's near from here." Jin Ah said and she hold Yejin to her arm. Yejin hesitate first and Jin Ah notice it. "Don't worry I will not harm you... You ask my help that's why I'll help you." Jin Ah said. "It's up to you if you trust me, but please think your baby first Yej." She added. Yejin smile awkwardly and she nodded.

Meanwhile, Yumi receive a text from Yejin. 'Something came up, you two can go home first... I saw an acquaintance and I'm with her right now. ' She read it. "Who's that, Eonnie?" Mina asked when she notice Yumi busy on her phone. "The hard headed Yejin.. Haist.." Yumi said. Mina look at her with puzzlement, "Why? Is there something happen to her?" Mina said. Yumi immediately pack the foods they bought. "She told me that she saw her acquaintance and we can go home first, as if Bin wouldn't ask us where she is." Yumi said. "Let's go, maybe she's still there.."She added as they walk fast outside the store. When they reach  to the spot where they left Yejin earlier, they didn't find her. "Eonnie was gone.. What should we do?" Mina said. Yumi bite her lips and she try to call her but Yejin didn't answer her calls. "Aishh... Yejin... Where are you? Pick up the phone.." Yumi said while she keep calling her. While calling her, she notice that there's a cctv in a store infront of where they we're standing. Yumi walks inside the store and she look for the manager. While Mina following her and trying to guess what she's gonna do. "Yes Mam, how can I help you?" The Manager said. "Hi, can we look at your cctv footage? I'm sorry to disturb you but we need to see it uhm.. We couldn't find my friend. We left her infront of your store and when we came back she's gone." She said. "I'm sorry but I can't allow you to see the footage. Our head Manager is the one who's in charge to it but he's in the meeting right now." The Manager said. "Please... We're new here in Swiss. And my friend didn't know this place and she's pregnant. Please help us?" Yumi said and she try to act pitiful and desperate. The Manager didn't speak for a second. She let out a deep sigh,"okay...but please make it faster and please don't use it to upload in social media." The Manager said. Yumi and Mina nodded and follower her in a room.

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