chapter three

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Ignored feelings

He froze when Director Ahn call him, "Hyun bin ssi.. " Yejin turn around and she met hyun bin's eyes, her heart beats faster. 'Eotteoke! What is this?... She told herself. "Yejin ssi..? " Director Ahn got confused when he saw the two lead characters walks together toward their table. He feels the chemistry between the two, 'there's somthing between this two... ' he told his self.
"Are you two went here together? " Director Ahn asked them. "ANIYO!" Yejin and Hyun bin aswered together.

"I went here all alone and he's with his Manager over there." Yejin explain. "Yeah that's right... I'm with Jun hee..." Hyun bin explains too. "So why are you here? I thought this meeting is between sonwa and you, Director Ahn?" CEO Kim look to Director Ahn waiting for an explanation. "No, I'm just here with JUn hee having our lunch together. I didn't mean to interrupt your meeting CEO Kim, I just... I only saw Director Ahn, that's why I decided to approach him." Hyun bin explain but in his mind he really didn't saw Director Ahn, It's because of Yejin. "I'm sorry but I guess I need to leave." Hyun bin is about to leave when Director Ahn stop him. "No hyun bin, please join us.. If you don't mind, CEO kim, Manager Do and you Ye jin?" Director Ahn said. "And besides hyun bin is the male lead role of Luna, I think it's okay to let him and his manager to join us today, is it okay with you CEO Kim? Director Ahn was looking to CEO Kim. "I'm okay with it, Director Ahn... " Yejin said, CEO Kim and Manager Do is both nodded.

Director Ahn explain the script of Luna to CEO Kim while the others is listening. Yejin and Hyun bin both seated in opposite to each other. Hyun bin can't help but look to Yejin but Yejin didn't notice it because she's busy listening on what Director Ahn said. "Luna is my major project this year, so I hope Sonwa Entertaiment will be considered my request. " Director Ahn said. CEO Kim sip her cup of chamomile tea and give a signal to Manager Do. "Why you want our Son yejin to join and lead your drama, Director? I heard that some of actresses want that role and they want you to consider them." Manager. Do asked Director Ahn. Also Hyun bin got curious on what Director Ahn's answer. Director Ahn smile to them before he speak. "I want her badly to play that role." He said. "Why? I mean why me, Director? I also want to know why? Like my manager said, there's some actress that ahead better than me..but I'm also glad that you want me to portray the role of Luna. " Yejin said to Director. Hyun bin amazed how yejin is humble. "Did you read the script Yejin?" Director Asked her. "Yes I did."She nodded. "Luna and You.. Yejin ssi... are much alike. No one will portray Luna better than you Yejin, and that's my answer to your question." Director Ahn directly said to Yejin. "Am I right,Hyun bin? What's your opinion about it. I mean you will play the role of Mak du, Luna's love interest... Are you agree that Yejin ssi is perfect for the role?". Hyun bin look everybody and lastly he look at yejin . "Base, on physical appearance of Luna, I think she's perfectly fit but I'm sorry Director Ahn and to you Yejin, I don't know what to answer when it comes to attitude if she's perfectly fit to the role. Luna has a very sensitive heart unlike Miss Son she has a strong character." Hyun bin look again to yejin and this time he met her eyes for a second, "don't be offended Yejin, I'm just stating my observation and everyone knows that we didn't exactly know each others. " Yejin didn't speak for a second because what Director Ahn and Hyun bin said. They both have a point but what Director Ahn said is all true. While reading the script she saw her self in Luna's charater. Luna is Sensitive and soft hearted person just like her and she keeps hiding it and build a wall to protect herself from danger. "It's okay Bin... I'm not offended in fact, I'm glad because you're being honest to your opinion and I'll take it as a compliment. " Yejin said to Hyun bin. She genuinely smile to Hyun bin. There's a minute of silence in the table. When Jun hee speak to break the silence.
"That's true, Director. When I read the script, I imagine Miss Son to portray Luna's character." Jun Hee said. All of them look to Jun hee even Hyun bin. "Why? I only said my opinion. I mean Luna is like a goddess and... When I saw Miss Son earlier... I think she's a goddess.. " He added. They all laugh because of Jun hee reactions. Hyun bin look at yejin and he mesmerized the way she laughed. "So, because of what you said Manager Song Jun hee.... I'm gladly accepted Director Ahn's proposal." Yejin said. CEO Kim and Manager Do both agreed on what yejin's decision. "Wow... That's great kamsahamnida Yejin for accepting the role. "Director Ahn said. "Aniyo! I'm the one to be thankful... Thank you Director Ahn for believing me and seeing Luna through me... I promise that I will do my one hundred one percent to portray Luna." Yejin said gives bow to Director Ahn. Director Ahn is right to his judgement that Yejin is a wonderful woman and she's one of a kind. CEO Kim and Manager Do is happy to see their talent is still humble and down to earth despite of fame. They're both proud to Yejin.
After their discussion regarding to Luna, they're having lunch together and talking about themselves. "By the way Miss Son, can I have your autograph? I'm a big fan of yours I swear." Jun hee smile to yejin. "Aishh.. Jun hee.. Stop it!" Hyun bin glared at him. But Jun hee didn't stop, instead he said to hyun bin the word 'waeyo' without a sound and he continue to ask yejin for an autograph. "It's okay bin don't worry. But I have a favor to ask?." Yejin laughed and said it to Jun hee. "What is it? I will gladly do it just for you." Jun hee response. "Just call me noona from now on.. " Yejin smile to Jun hee. "Okay, noo... Noona.." Jun hee is happy when he received picture with autograph from yejin.
While the three are laughing because of Jun hee's funny stories, CEO kim is observing them and he sees hyun bin constantly looking to yejin while yejin didn't notice it because she was busy having conversation to Jun hee. "Yejin ssi... Can you go with me to the washroom?" CEO Kim interrupted them. "Okay Eonnie.. Please excuse us. " Yejin smiled to them and follow CEO Kim.
When CEO Kim and Yejin is retouching their make up, CEO Kim talks to yejin about her observation earlier. "Yejin, can I ask you a favor?" CEO Kim said. "What is it, Eonnie?" She call her Eonnie because that's what CEO Kim wanted to address her. "Can you avoid him... You know hyun bin and Jin Ah is in relationship, right?" Yejin eyes is widened when he heard it from CEO Kim "Eonnie! I know that... You think me and bin ssi are went here together?" "I know you're not and i trust you but I'm just concerned to you.. If you and hyun bin always in the same place together it might get attention, and Jin ah that brat girl, you know what I mean. " CEO Kim explain to Yejin. There's a minute of silence between the two. Yejin knows that CEO Kim have a point and she knows her eonnie is only concern about her. "Yejin.. I'm just concern about you. I know you better than anyone else. I don't want to see you hurt and be bully again by that brat girl." CEO Kim reach yejin's hands and she smile to her. "I know eonnie, don't worry I will take your advice. Kamsahamnida for your concern to me. " She genuinely smile to CEO Kim.

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