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"Four leaf hair pin"
( 🍀)

First day of shoot

Yejin arrived early at the set with her glam team. Their on her dressing room when one of the staff approach her. Yumi notice at the mirror the young lady standing and sneaking at the door. "I think there's a fan of yours outside." Yumi said while styling her hair. Yejin got curious and look at the mirror and she saw the young lady standing outside. She turn around to look at the door. When the lady notice that Yejin is looking at her she got nervous and decide to leave, but Yejin called her when she about to leave. "Hi..." Yejin greet the young lady warmly. "Come in..." Yejin said with her pair of eye smile. The lady was hesitate first but she go inside the room. "Annyeong haseyo Ms. Son Ye Jin.. Uhm... I'm one of the junior staff here and this is my first day of work." The lady said. Yumi stop what she doing for Yejin have time to chitchat. "Jjinja? It is your first day of work today? What's your name?" Yejin said. "I'm Kang Son hwa... And I also your number one fan.." The lady introduced herself and she's a bit shy. "I'm sorry to disturb you, I just wanted to see you." She added. Yejin felt happiness when she heard it, that one of the staff is her fan. "No, it's okay... I'm happy to meet you Ms. Kang Son hwa. Thank you for being my number fan and thank you for supporting me." Yejin said with sincerity. "Thank you Ms. Yejin for inspiring me or inspiring us. I'm sp grateful to have a work but I felt so blessed to know that Im working with you." Son hwa said. Yejin smile brightly and what her fan said brighten her day. "Oh wait... I want to give you something for being my fan and for your first day of work." Yejin said. She pick her bag and pick the hair pin with four leaf design with green color. It's a pair but she put back on her bag the other one and she give it to Son hwa the other one. "It's a simple gift for me but that hair pin is so meaningful to me." Yejin said. Son hwa hesitate to accept it. "Ms. Son I don't think I can accept it, I don't deserve it if that hair pin is so precious to you." Son hwa said. "I only want to see you that's all... It's enough for me that I saw you and I'm so grateful to have some conversation with you." She added. Yejin stand up and put the hair pin on Son Hwa right hand. "It's okay... It's a pair don't worry. I keep the other one. It's my lucky charm. I hope just like to me, It wil also be your lucky charm." Yejin smile sincerely to Son hwa. Son hwa smile with her teary eye and ahe happily accepted the pin. "Ms. Son thank you.. I swear I will keep it and I will treasure this. I will never forget this day... Kamsahamnida!" Son hwa said and she about to bow but Yejin stop her. "You don't need to bow... I'm just ordinary person just like you. And also, can you call me eonnie instead of Ms. Son?" Yejin said. "But I am just a staff here.." Son hwa said. Yejin smile to her, "I'm also staff here.. Maybe we had different role but I'm just like you." Yejin said. Son hwa smile and mesmerize the beauty in front of her. She knew how beautiful Yejin is but she got surprised when she saw the real beauty within her.

Meanwhile, Yumi and Mina also mesmerized how humble Yejin is. They're are proud having a friend like her. And they hope that everyone on the set see the beauty within her, not only the staff and crew but also her co actor and actress.


"Hyung.. The producer call me.. Yejin noona and her team was on the set already." Jun hee said to Hyun bin. They're on the car right now. Hyum bin is busy on reading and studying his script. "Are you okay now?" Jun hee asked when Hyun bin didn't response. Hyun bin look at him and turn his eyes on the script. "Don't worry about me. I can handle my self and my emotion." Hyun bin said. Jun hee look to his hyung as if he didn't believe him. "Wae? Why you look at me like that? Aish.. I will be proffesional regarding to work so don't worry, Manager Song." Hyun bin said and take away his eyes from Jun hee. Jun hee smile, "okay... Keep your words hyung... Kamsahamnida!" Jun hee said and continue to tease him. "Aishh..." Hyun bin said. He look at the window and he saw the picture of Yejin in one of the billboard outside. 'It's our first day.... Yejin... I will handle my emotion and focus only to my main goal...' In his mind.

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