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"Sweet Boyfriend"

Yejin open her eyes and blink to adjust her eyes on the light. She saw Hyun Bin seated on her side. "Yejin... Finally your awake.... You made me worried...." He said and hold her hand. Yejin smile and at the same time crying, Hyun bin notice her tears. "Why you are crying? You also miss me that much?" Hyun bin said and he wipes her tears away, he let out a small laugh. "Yes, I miss you... I'm worried that I might not see you again and the same time, maybe  you're mad at me...because of the rumor." She said. Hyun bin caress her face and adjust his body to hug her. "I miss you... I miss your smile... Thank you for giving me a chance to see your smile again." He whispered. "Let's talk about the rumor later when you're totally okay. What important is, you gain consciousness and you're okay." He added. Her tears continue to fall because of happiness she felt, she lift up her arms to hug him back.

Mrs. Lee open the door together with Doctor Cha and saw the two in that position, they hugging each other. Mrs. Lee do a fake cough for them to know that she's inside. Hyun bin immediately stand up straight and turn around while Yejin bite her lips. "Ahjumma..." Yejin said excitedly. Mrs.  Lee look at Hyun bin while Hyun bin give bow to her. Doctor Cha approach to check Yejin.  Hyun bin face was all turned to red and also Yejin's face because of the shyness they felt when they saw Mrs. Lee and Doctor Cha. "I think the patient was completely fine.." Doctor Cha teased them.

Hyun and Mrs. Lee was both seated at the sofa while Doctor Cha is checking on Yejin's condition. "How are you, Yejin? Doctor Cha said. "Does anything hurt?" He added. "I'm okay, Doctor Cha... I'm just a little dizzy but aside from it, I'm totally okay." She said. "That's good to hear but I'll keep monitoring you. I will be back later to check you again." Doctor Cha said. "Ah, just rest and don't pressure your self to go back to your  daily routine and to your work. You need to rest and to relax, take also your medicine in time, Arasso?" Doctor Cha said. Yejin smile and nodded, "Arasso, Doctor Cha.. Kamsahamnida!" She said. Doctor Cha turn to Mrs. Lee and Hyun bin and the two both stand up. "Can I talk to her guardian at my office?" Doctor Cha said. "I'm her guardian." Mrs. Lee said.

When the two are alone in the room, they both laugh because of embarrassment."She's with us since I was a child. I will introduce you to her later when she come back."She said."I couldn't introduce you to her earlier because of our awkward situation." She added and let out a small laugh. Hyun Bin let out a small laugh with his dimple. "You sure you're okay?" Hyun bin said. "Yes I'm okay... My arms and my back are in pain maybe because of the bruises." She said. "But don't worry, I'm okay." She added. Hyun bin smile and kiss her on her forehead, "I love you..." He said. Yejin look at him and smile brightly, "I love you more, Bin.. I wanted to wake up badly when I heard your voice in my dreams." She said with her pretty eye smile. Hyun bin melt his heart because of her words, he hold her hands and look at her. "I will not let go of this hand, and I will not let anyone will take this hand away from me."He said.


"Ceo Kim what will we do?" Manager Do said. "The media wants to interview her because of the rumor between her and Hae In and the accident plus another romantic rumor with Hyun Bin." He added. CEO Kim was seated on her chair and close her eyes to think. She let out a deep sigh before she speak. "First, release a statement that we're denying the rumor between her and Hae In." She said."How about Hae In? We both knew his feelings about Yejin." Manager Do said. "I know... But it's the right thing to do. The two is not dating  we both knew that. And we also knew who's her real boyfriend." She said. "I don't want Hae In and Yejin suffered from that rumors. Hae In must move on from his feelings towards to her... I know he will do the right thing." She added. "What about the accident? Do you believe It was an accident?" Manager Do said. CEO Kim look at her laptop and read the article about the accident at the forest."Mina told me that Yejin was not close to Jiwon. Jiwon always bully her when their on the set." He said. CEO Kim look at him and recall the bullying incident of Jin ah to Yejin in the past. "let's skip that issue, Manager Do. We will investigate first before we release a statement regarding that." She said. "But we also need to make sure next time that she's safe especially on the set with that girl." She added. "Arasso... How about the third one? The rumor between Yejin and Hyun Bin. In my point of view, this one is hard to deny." He said. CEO Kim nodded, "Yes, I agree..." CEO Kim said. "Can I suggest to have talk to his agency first before we release a statement." Manager Do said. CEO Kim stand up and look at the view on her glass window. "Okay, tell my secretary to have a call to Hyun bin's agency." She agreed. "And also, I will talk to Yejin and Hyun Bin first to ask their decision." She added. Manager Do smile because CEO Kim always put first her talent's feeling before anything else, that's why Yejin is so lucky to have her.

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