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"Meet Halmeoni"

Side story

(A day before he proposed)

Yejin and Hyun Bin went on a date in Namsan Tower. They both wearing cap and face mask for their disguise. Hyun Bin hold her hands while walking. It was cold and windy night. They seated on the bench away from the crowd. Hyun Bin gave her an orange juice and some tteokbeokki. Yejin looking at the couple with a child infront of them. She was smiling while looking at them. Hyun Bin saw her smiling and he also look where she's looking at and he was smiling too. "You're hands is too cold... Let's go back to the car." He said. "No, let's seat here for a while. I'm fine I have my heat pack on my bag." She said. "Jagiya... You mentioned that you're grandmother is still alive." She said. "Yes, she's in Switzerland and she's living there for good." He said. Yejin look at him and she was hesitate to ask him why he doesn't introduce her to his grandmother. Hyun Bin notice it and kiss her hand. "I'm sorry if I can't introduced you to my grandmother for now. But please don't you ever think that I didn't want to introduced you to her." He said. Yejin let out a deep sigh. "Can I know why? Is it because of Jin Ah? Is your grandmother like her a lot?" She said with hesitation. Hyun Bin shake his head, "Aniyo... Halmeoni already knows that we're officially dating and she was so happy to heard it and she wants the best for us." He said. "Then, why? Why you can't introduced me to her?" She asked. "Because I want you to meet her personally and we're so busy on our job and we didn't have time to go to Switzerland and Halmeoni also busy on her new business there." He said. "But she said that she will visit us here in Seoul to meet you personally." He added. Yejin smile and Hyun Bin pinch her on her nose.


Seoul, South Korea (present day)

Hyun bin is cooking when his phone suddenly ring. He immediately take the call because he assumed that it was Yejin. "Jagiya..." He said. "Jagiya?" The woman said over the phone. He look at the screen to see if who's calling. "Halmeoni..." He said. "I'm sorry I thought it was Yejin." He said. "It's okay.... So you're calling her, Jagiya... How sweet you are." She said ane let out a small laugh. Hyun bin smile while listening to his grandmother. "Halmeoni... When you visit here to Seoul? I want to introduced you to her before our engagement." He said. Mrs. Kim didn't speak for a second. "Halmeoni?" He said when his grandmother didnt responsed. "Why don't you go here and accompany her here in Switzerland." Mrs. Kim said. Hyun Bin stop from his doing. "How did you know that she's there?" He said. Mrs. Kim let out a deep sigh. "I'm so excited to meet her but I can't go there because of my busy schedule here." She said. "When  I found out that she's   the model of my new business. I requested to my business partner to rescheduled her photoshoot here." She added. Hyun Bin eyes got widen and he was so surprised to heard it. "So, you're the main reason why she need to go there all of the sudden?" He said. Mrs. Kim let out a small laugh, "Yes, and if I we're you... You will go here and be with her. I will not send her back to Seoul." Mrs. Kim said. "Halmeoni...  I can't go there because of my work, but you need to send her back here to Seoul because of her situation." He said. "What do you mean?" She asked. "Halmeoni... I have to tell you something... She's  preg-" He said but Mrs. Kim interrupted him, "I'm sorry Bin but I need to go. Yejin and her team is on the lobby right now. Let's talk later." She said and she ended their call. "Halmeoni..." He said but their conversation was ended. He let out a deep sigh. Knowing his grandmother, she will do as she said. He call Jun Hee, and in three rings Jun Hee answered his call. "Jun Hee... I have a favor to ask. Can you adjust my schedule for this month? I need to go to Switzerland, something came up." He said.

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