Chapter Eleven

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"When all fall apart"

"Doctor Yoon, how is she?" Manager ask Yejin's personal doctor. "She's okay now... She only need some rest. She collapsed because of too much stress and emotions that her mind and body can't handle. And over fatigue too." Doctor Yoon said. "Manager Do, please give her some rest.. Her body is weak for now especially she's in the middle of scandal. And she also need someone to rely on." He added. Manager Do look at Yejin who is lying on her bed. "We will Doc... We're here for her. And I will make sure that she will have some rest." Manager Do said to Doctor Yoon. "Okay... So I'll get going. Don't worry I'll keep it secret." Doctor Yoon said before he leave. "Please let's keep it secret. Especially in media, we all knew that Yejin is in difficult situation for now. And I'm hoping this incident is private and please no media allowed in this building." Manager Do said to the building manager and maintenance. "We will assure you Sir... Don't worry. All the tenants and staff here in our building is her number one supporters." The Manager said. "Thank you so much." Manager Do said. When the Manager left with the maintenance, Manager Do instruct Yumi And Mina to take care of Yejin. "I will come back later, I will talk to Ms. CEO Kim regarding this matter. Please don't let her alone. " Manager Do said. "We will Manager Do. Don't worry we're here for her. And about the coat incident.... Her gown was accidentally ruined and it's just happened that Hyun bin was there and he only helped Yejin. That's all, nothing romantic between them." Yumi explain to Manager Do. "You knew it? Why didn't you tell me about that?" Manager Do said. "We're sorry Manager Do we forgot to tell you... " Mina said. Manager Do deep sigh and look at the two girls. "Okay... Just be with Yejin. She's an independent lady but she's a soft hearted. CEO Kim and I will resolve this issue. " Manager Do said before he left.


Hae in is driving when he heard the rumors between Hyun bin and Son ye jin. He make a U turn to check on Yejin in her apartment.
When he reach the place, he runs fast towards the building. The guard of the building already knew him so they allow him to go inside the building. When he reach Yejin's door, he deep sigh before he knocks. Mina open the door for him, "Hae in oppa... Come inside.. "Mina warmly greeted him. "Where's your eonnie?" Hae in ask Mina. "She's in her room right now, she's sleeping. When we went here we saw her on the floor unconscious but Doctor Yoon her a while ago, he said Yejin eonnie is okay she only need rest and to relax. " When Hae in heard it, he walks fast towards to Yejin's bedroom when he went inside. He saw her lying in the bed unconscious. "She is okay. She's sleeping and Doctor Yoon said she only needs some rest." Yumi said when she notice that Hae in is concern, he only nodded. "Can you stay with her for awhile? Mina and I uhm... Going to buy some groceries and foods. Manager Do told us not to leave her all alone. " Yumi said. "Arasso, don't worry I will take good care of her." Hae in said. "Thank you for always been there for her." Yumi said and smile to Hae in before she left the room. Hae in look to sleeping yejin, he brush her hair with his hand then he pick her hand and cover it with his two hands. "I know it's not true... You must regain your strength to face them and I'm here.. Always here to protect you." He said. Yejin suddenly wake up, she slowly open her eyes and see Hae in's face. "Hey, Yej... You're awake..." Hae in said with excitement. Yejin look around and then look again to Hae In, "what happen?... Why I'm here in my bed?" Yejin said in confusion. "You collapsed earlier... You're on the floor when they saw you." Hae in explain to her. "No, just rest... Doctor Yoon said you need some rest to regain your strength." Hae in said when Yejin tries to sit up on the bed. Yejin recalls what happened earlier before she collapsed, she remembered her grandfather's call and his anger towards her, and the issue involving her and hyun bin. "Hae in... Can you get my laptop for me?" Yejin ask Hae in favor. "No, please just relax for today. No stress and no work for today, arasso?" Hae in said. "I can't relax... My name, my career and my image will be ruined if I will not resolve it. And Halabeoji... " Yejin protest. "Halabeoji... His named ruined because of me... And... Hyun bin... I mean.. His relationship to Jin Ah will be ruined if this issue became bigger." She added. Hae in deep sigh and reach Yejin's shoulder. "Just relax... Let's settle this when you totally okay.. For now, let Manager Do and Auntie Bora fix it. Please?" Hae in said. Yejin look at to Hae in and finally she nodded.

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