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"Time to think"

Hyun Bin was seated on his apartment and drinking some beer. He just got home from the filming today. He try to called Yejin but she didn't answered. It's been two weeks since he last seen her on the hospital.

Flashback(2weeks ago)

"Who are you to ask that?" Mr. Son said. "He's Yejin grandfather and her older borther." Mrs. Lee whispered. Hyun Bin greeted them formally. "Ahjumma... Is Yejin okay? Why you're here outside?" Yejoon said to change the topic. "Ah... She's okay, Doctor Cha needs to monitor her but she's doing great." Mrs. Lee said. Doctor Cha went outside and ask for Yejin's guardian and Mr. Son approach him, "I'm her grandfather." Mr. Son said. "How is she?" He added. "She's fine and I gave her pain reliever for her headache. Is she suffering from amnesia before?" Doctor Cha said. Mr. Son didn't speak. "Yes, Doctor... Why is there something happen to her?" Yejoon speak. Hyun Bin was silently listening to them same as Mrs. Lee. "She told me that there's some scenes, places, names that suddenly flashback on her mind but she didn't remember it and she can't identified  if it is reality or is only a dream." Doctor Cha explain. "Mostly in her childhood memories. I think because of the accident, she slowly remember it." He added. "What are we gonna do, Doctor?" Yejoon asked. "She's confuse right now but I gave her medicine for her to calm down. But my advice, let her remember her lost memories but don't push her to remember it. And she needs completely rest and relaxation." Doctor Cha said. "I will give you some prescription for her and a request for psychologist to help her handle it. And also avoid stress." He added. "Thank you so much, but can I talk to you for a moment, Doctor Cha?" Mr. Son said. "Oh sure.." Doctor Cha said.

Yejin was all alone in the room. She's trying to remember anything but she can't. She recall what Hyun Bin told her earlier. "He's that boy... He's Binnie... I know he's that boy. I saw in his eyes his sincerity." She said. But she didn't know how to feel because she can't remember him. "Did I lost my memory? If so, why they didn't told me about it?" She said. The door suddenly open and her eyes got widen when she saw Yejoon come inside together with Mrs. Lee and Hyun Bin behind. "Oppa?...." Yejin said as she saw her big brother. Yejoon smile to her. Yejin slowly seated on the bed, "Oppa.. Yejoon oppa!?.." She said and she burst out of tears. Yejoon slide his wheelchair to come closer to his sister and when he approached her, he hold her hands tightly. "Yejin... I miss you..." Yejoon said and his tears started to fall from his eyes. "I'm so sorry..." He said. Yejin shake her head, ,"Ani, you don't have to say sorry... it's an accident." She said and hug her brother. "I'm so scared, oppa... I thought you're not going to wake up.... Yejoon oppa... I miss you... " She said and her emotions burst out and she can't control it. Yejoon tap her shoulder to comfort her but his tears continue to flow from his eyes. "I'm here... Oppa is here... Don't be scared from now on, arasso?" Yejoon said. "I will never leave you, that's my promise..." He added. "Oppa..." Yejin said while she hug her brother tightly.

Meanwhile, Mrs. Lee didn't control her tears that escape from her eyes while watching the two siblings reunited. Hyun Bin felt happy for Yejin and at the same time he felt sad because of her lost memories and he was hoping that she can remember it soon.

"So are you two are dating?" Yejoon ask Yejin while looking at to Hyun Bin who is still standing in one corner. "You're feet will get numb if  you stay standing for too long." Yejoon said. "Have a seat." He added. Yejoon is observing the two, he try to control his laugh he notice that the two is just like a  highschool sweetheart. "I'm just courting her." "Yes we're dating." They answered at the same time and they look at each other with puzzlement because of their different answers. "So I guess, I will ask Mrs. Lee about it. Ahjumma, what do you know about them?" Yejoon asked Mrs. Lee. Mrs. Lee let out a small laugh. "Based on what I saw earlier.... I think... There's something between them." Mrs. Lee also teased them. Yejin and Hyun Bin feel embarrassed when they recall their hug earlier, they both turning red. "Are you Hyun Bin, right?" Yejoon asked. "Yes..." Hyun Bin said. "I'm sorry I got so nervous but Yes, we're dating and I'm her boyfriend." He said. Yejoon look at Yejin and he smile when he saw in her eyes the happiness and eyes of an inlove woman. "She's in the right age and All I want for her is to be happy." Yejoon said. "She will be more happy to Hae In." Mr. Son said. They look at the door and saw Mr. Son standing from there. "Halabeoji..." Yejin said. Mr. Son look at to Hyun Bin intently and he return his eyes to Yejin. "Bin, I want you to meet my grandfather..." Yejin said. Hyun Bin bow to Mr. Son and gret him warmly. "Annyeong haseyo Mr. Son... I'm Hyun Bin." He said. Mr. Son didn't responsed but walk pass through him. Mrs. Lee and Yejoon was silently observing them. "Where's Hae In? He must be the one who took care of you?" He asked. Yejin look at to Hyun Bin and she knew that he was hurting inside."Halabeoji, Hae In is only a good friend to me. Bin is my boyfriend and I'm sorry if I didn't introduce him to you sooner." Yejin said. Mr. Son let out a deep sigh. "You can go home now, Mr. Hyun. We will take care of her." Mr. Son said. "But Halabeoji... I want him to stay by myside." Yejin protest. "Halabeoji, let Hyun Bin stay with her." Yejoon said. Hyun Bin is about to speak when Yejin stop her from holding his hand. "He leave or I will talk to CEO Kim that you will resigning as an actress.." Mr. Son said. "Halabeoji..." Yejin and Yejoon said together. "I will leave for now, Mr. Son... but please give me a chance to prove my love for your granddaughter." Hyun Bin said. Yejin look at him, "You don't need to leave..." She said. Hyun Bin smile forcely and walk outside the door but he stop from his walk when he heard their conversation inside.

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