Getting To Know Peyton

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It was Thursday afternoon, school had been over almost 3 hours ago and Peyton Sawyer was walking around the halls of the school. Peyton was in a bad mood because she had just gotten into an argument with her best friends Brook David.

Brooke was the caption of the cheer squad. Everybody was surprised to see Peyton as a cheerleader. You see Peyton wasnt your typical cheerleader. She wasnt cheery, happy, smiling all the time cheerleader.

Everybody questioned why she was a cheerleader. Well nobody other then her bestfriend Brooke knew why. Peyton had lost her mom when she was 10 and she tried to remember her mom every way possible.

Her mother was a cheerleader so Peyton couldnt think of better way of remebering her mom then being a cheerleader.

Not only did Peyton join the cheer squad because of her mom but because of Brooke. When they were in their sophomore year they were having tryouts for cheer squad. Brooke was already a cheerleader since freshman year and she had became cheer caption her sophomore year because she was very dedicated cheerleader.

After days of begging her Peyton finally accepted to be a cheerleader. That summer Peyton had met Nathan Scott and they hit it off. Nathan asked Peyton to be his girlfriend the last day of summer and she accepted.

Peyton thought Nathan was the guy for her but little by little Nathan changed. Nathan had become caption of the basketball team and soon popularity got to him.

And they would end up breaking up every other week and then get back together. Peyton was getting the tired of the same routine with Nathan.

That afternoon Brooke called an emergency cheer practice. All the girls were waiting for Brooke who was late as usual. Peyton was sitting with one of the other cheerleaders when they seen Brooke walk in.

"Girls we have a problem nationals competition is in a month and Theresa had an accident this morning and will be out the entire year and now we need a new cheerleader what are we going to do?" Brooke said who was freaking out.

Peyton tried to calm her down but it was pointless Brooke just got more nervous and ended up screaming at Peyton which led to an argument and Peyton stormed off...

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