Chapter Thirty Seven

Start from the beginning

I slowly sit on the back of my feet, wincing as I turn to stare at him. I try my hardest not to give him the death glare that I so desperately wanted to give right now. But I refrained and instead gave an impassive look even though my body was in throbbing pain.

He folds his hands together in front of his face after he puts his cancer stick in the ashtray.

"It seems like I can't trust you, Axel. You seem hellbent on pulling away from me so..." He waves his hand for the man at the door to come forward.

"Meet your new partner from now on. This is Baxter."

My eyes widen at the sudden declaration of what this could mean. "W-What?" I hated that I just stuttered, but the man just threw me off guard right now.

"It seems you're getting a little too comfortable with Thomas. The man is getting up there in age so he must not be able to control you. I'm changing you two up. Since he wants to let you do whatever you want, I'll be transferring him to the third division. He's needed there." He states like he wasn't just upending my life, upending my birth father's life.

He couldn't do this. He couldn't send Thomas away like this. The third division was all the way to the other side of the country and full of hard asses that had even less control then the first and second. Why was he doing this to us?

"Baxter is to watch your every move from now on. He reports back to me on every aspect of your life until I feel it deemed enough to trust you again and be out on your own with the upmost respect you need to have towards me." He snaps. "I will know every place you visit, every person you speak too, and every single thing you do."

I can feel my chest starting to cave in as tightness swarms around my heart and rib cage. And while I was panicking all I could think of was Tristan. How the hell was I going to get back to him with this new dark cloud hanging over my head?

Since then, I haven't been left alone once. Baxter was like a dark shadow that followed me everywhere. He was quiet and refused to speak to me. I couldn't even visit my birth father, afraid that he was going to break down before he realizes that the man was there and reveal something that could cause death to us all.

But I heard about it through everyone else. Thomas was leaving the mansion.

I wanted to know how he was fairing with this. But again, I just couldn't trust anyone in this place. So, I kept my distance. There was just no way that those two were going to be able to make it without each other for more than a few weeks if that.

Not with my birth father so far along already.

It was after midnight and for once Baxter was nowhere around. I was in the mansion, so I guess he felt that he didn't need to be on me constantly when Han was present in the home. Fine by me, it was a relief that I could be alone for once. I had to find a way to contact Tristan, but I wasn't sure I can risk even that while being here.

I needed some fresh air and a new plan of what to do before Thomas left for who knows how long. He leaves tomorrow afternoon, and I was feeling like we were running out of time to figure this shit out. I haven't been able to talk to him since Han forbade us to interact with one another. The cold hard fact that he had this much control over our lives was downright depressing.

As I causally walk down the long dark corridor, I hear a scuffle of feet practically dragging on the ground. I frown a little and become a little comprehensive of what I could find. But the person who rounds the corner was the last person I expected.

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