Emmie's First Game

Start from the beginning

"Macie.." She turned to me our eyes made contact and I just felt that feeling that I have waited to feel for so long. They way only her eyes can make me see how much I've needed her over these years.

"Can we talk?"

Macie's POV

I saw him with our daughter in his arms, they way he held her just looked so perfect and I felt so proud. Though I remembered that I showed her Pablo on Tv meaning she's already told him.

"Macie.." He said causing me to look round at him as our eyes then connected. The feeling of butterflies running through my stomach and my chest were unexplainable.

"Can we talk?" He asked. Pedri then looked at me as I looked back to him. He nodded as he then took Emmie from my arms. "Sure." I sighed as I walked passed him making my way into a different room, a more quieter room.

"Talk." I said. I was giving him this chance and he deserved to finally tell me but at the same time I deserved to hear it. I looked at him again for our eyes to connect, I just wanted to hear that I was wrong.

"Macie, I never cheated on you. Laila turned up to the hospital that day because she knew it would hurt you. She wanted to hurt you." I looked down because I felt a tear at my cheek. "I had never seen her before that day and I haven't even seen her since."

I was wrong, all this time she just wouldn't hurt me like that would he. "So you didn't hurt me.." He shook his head lifting my chin with his index finger. "Macie I would never hurt you. My heart is yours."

A smile appeared onto my lips as I then pulled him into a hug. "Pablo I missed you." He held me by the waist and one hand pressed to the back of my head. "I'm upset you kept Emmie from me."

I pulled away again as I let out a sigh. "Come home with Pedri and I after the game- actually talk to Pedri about what happened or he won't let you but talk to him and then come home and I will tell you all about Emmie."

He nodded as he left a kiss onto my forehead. "Can I see her again before the game?" I nodded as we walked out the room back towards Pedri. "He's going to talk to you just before the game starts. Listen okay?"

Pedri looked at me and nodded as he then passed Emmie over to Pablo. Pedri patted my shoulder then walked off down the stairs. Emmie put her hand up into Pablo's hair because she has had a thing about his hair since she first seen him.

"She loves your hair. She always told me when she seen you on tv." Pablo smiled as he looked down at her. "Hey little miss cheeky." Emmie giggles as we then also walked down the stairs together.

Everyone was so surprised to see Pablo and I walking together with a child in Pablo's arms but then it all hit them. As we walked past them all each and everyone said congratulations to us then shaking hand with Emmie.

"Mummy I famous." She whispered causing me to laugh a little. We got closer to the pitch as we got to Pedri also. "I'll take her to the stand with me. You two can talk." Pablo kissed Emmie's forehead as he placed her back into my arms.

"I'll see you later bunny." She smiles at him then we made our way back to the stands. We sat down at the usual seat I had bought us both a half-season ticket as the season is almost over. I sat Emmie in the seat next to me but she just stood on it half the time.

The boys walked onto the pitch and Emmie started clapping her hands as I did too. We started singing the anthem and I loved how she knew it off by heart. Pablo and Pedri were standing together with smiles on their faces.

I've missed this sight and I am more than happy I can experience this over again. Pablo looked towards us waving at Emmie who waved back. He then smiled at me and I did smile back.

Emmie didn't get bored at all watching the game she watches the entire thing right through not even having to go for the toilet though at half time I did get her something to eat.

Whenever we scored she'd jump up and do Pedri's celebration or kiss her badge just like Pablo would. I was so happy with the love she had for this club. She is going to go far one day I just know it.

At the end of the game Emmie and I made our way outside and towards Pedri's car. The boys walked out together laughing with one another oh it was the best. "Daddy!!" Emmie ran towards him as he caught her picking her up.

"Hey bunny! Did you like the game?" She nodded as her head then laid against Pablo's shoulder. "She's tired. Been a long day." We all got into the car but Pablo insisted on getting in the back with Emmie. Then Pedri drove us home.


My thoughts while writing this was "happy ending we end the story now right?" but I realised I haven't made ya'll cry enough.

Anyway I love ya'll and all your support is honest gonna make me cry.

I love every single one of you so much.

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