I kept my palm on his shoulder and said " I too missed us Dad , every single day I longed for a happily ever after for our family but realized it would never come . I don't know if the circumstances were different, but you could have chosen mom over everything, over every fear. All I can tell you is that you were never a terrible father. Growing up, when I didn't know you, I prayed for someone like you. When I first met you I could tell my prayers were heard. I don't want you to feel I never loved you. "

He touched my fingers reassuringly.

" But I don't want you to be like me James. I really appreciate how similar you look to me. That is what a father dreams of. But I want you to be better than me. I want you to be a better lover, partner and father."

I didn't know what to say and I looked at him. A small smile somehow made its way out. This was the first time I felt truly relieved.

" That's what makes me remember. How's the French princess?"

What? I looked at him surprised. He knows Grace? He caught my eye instantly.

" Yes, I know about your girlfriend, the French Princess Jane Basil aka Grace Ross. "

" How do you know... about her?"

" I am your dad James. I know everything you are involved in. Along with that I am a king , I have a team of intelligence , and saw her as a child on my once diplomatic trip to France to mend our relationship. She was around 2 or so, long blonde hair, gorgeous blue eyes. Isn't she?"

"You spy on me!"

"No! I checked on you. Whether you were fine. Even though you weren't here, it was my duty to protect you."

"At least I know you care... even if it's creepy!"

The air felt light now. I was shocked, however, to learn that he really knew her when I struggled to learn something about her. I wondered how much he knew and what else he had hidden from me. I felt a strange mix of comfort and unease.

" I didn't find out much about her, her information was very secretive but all I know is that she is too hiding from the world, the reason is unknown. I am sorry but I wanted to inquire whether you were doing fine. I just knew or what you say spied till your few months after graduation and your job. I knew you guys were good friends but now I am sure she's really someone special."

My cheeks were flushed. I blushed in front of my dad, oh God.

"I hope she is doing well. I hope you are both doing well. If there is anything I can do to help, please don't hesitate to ask."

"Thank you," I replied, my face still warm. I was quite relieved at the thought that he didn't know much about her. This is because I didn't want anyone to worry about us, and of course it was a very personal reason why she was hiding. As I was thinking about what to say someone knocked on the door. It was Ellion, "I'm sorry your majesty to interrupt, but the matter is quite urgent. We have a lead on Laurent's murder," he said.

Dad moved to his King's tone and said to him, he would come soon and turned towards me as Ellion left.

" well , do you know yesterday night , Laurent was murdered ? We are investigating and feel Adverd and Loraine are behind all this. They have been missing since then."

" I know about it. Adverd is not guilty. " I said , I knew I was going to drop a bombshell next. " I was here last night , I wanted to meet Laurent, I wanted to know many things like I came today but when I entered his room he was already dead. And Adverd was with me in my plan to enter the palace secretly. He has been an enormous help all the time when I came to Scotland a couple of weeks ago. I told him to turn off the palace cameras so no one saw me and Grace here."

He was shocked, trying to process everything I spelled seconds ago. " You were here ? In fact, you are here in Scotland for about a week now And I didn't know of it ?"

"Everything is true, yes." He just stood there with a blank look on his face. I could tell he was trying to make sense of it all.

" I am not sure but I feel someone else is behind it not Adverd. why would he do it ?"

" you may be right, but we never know when someone betrays us and when they do, it turns our life upside down." he said his eyes darkened and I knew still a rage was inside him for how was he separated from my mom and everyone betrayed him. " I think we should once see what clue they have got ."

I nodded. We got up and walked towards the conference room. I didn't know, but the earlier positive vibes have now been replaced with something uncertain. I hope everything is going well.


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