Chapter 36

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Chapter 36 Jiaohua is covered by her rua hair rua...

    In the end, Mingzhi still couldn't find out why from Lan Hao's mouth. Instead, he learned from Su Mingen that it wasn't that Lan Hao didn't come to the live broadcast, but was kicked unconscious by the little milk meow when he went to the bathroom to bury the poop. , and almost got his own poop on it.

    When he woke up, he found that he had taken a bath more than 10 times, but he still felt dirty, and he didn't want to talk at all.

    But when he browsed the information on the star network and watched the interaction between Ming Zhi and Xiao Naimiao in the live broadcast room, he felt that this was originally his own welfare, but he was robbed by such a sinister little beast. He was really so angry! He's mad at him!

    So after thinking about it, I felt that it would be impossible not to take revenge, and secretly came to the live broadcast room without telling the store manager, wanting to teach that ignorant Aryak a lesson, but I didn't expect that the revenge was not avenged, but was almost caught by him. Scared pee woo woo woo.

    "Ah, you, why are you so naughty." Ming Zhi didn't expect Zai Zai to use such insidious means to live broadcast with her in the live broadcast room. What should you do if you stick to me? Will you be jealous of me and won't let you meet me again?"

    Ming Zhi began to worry.

    Wen Siyao rolled his eyes, lay down bored, and stretched out his little jiojio to pat her hand, beckoning her to help him rua.

    Ming Zhi really couldn't stand his arrogant appearance, not only helped him rua, but also stretched out two evil hands to rua him from the top of his head to his tail, which caught Wen Siyao off guard and "meow meow" "Meow" screamed, I didn't know whether it was comfortable or uncomfortable.

    And he also seems to have discovered that if he becomes a little beast, he can't stay close to Ming Zhi for too long, and he can't let her rua herself for so long, especially if this kind of rua... He seems to be a little bit uncontrollable, and may Transformed back into human form.

    He felt suffocated when he thought of turning back into a human form and falling into her arms without a trace, it shouldn't be too scary! He doesn't want to be forced to wear a skirt again, okay?

    Wen Siyao's face turned red, and his ears and tail somehow became extremely excited. He knew that this was the reaction of Ming Zhi helping him rua his body, and his body and mind really liked being close to her.

    Moreover, according to the doctor's diagnosis, the longer he stays close to her and the more physical contact with her, it will be good for his weak body, at least it can promote the development of his glands. The position of the gland is normal and everything else is fine.

    Although I really don't want to admit it, most of what the doctor said is correct. The existence of Mingzhi is indeed a good medicine for him. It finally arrived, and even the Omega menstrual period, which he had never experienced before, came together, which made him flattered.

    He thought that he would live his whole life abnormally in the future, and he didn't think there was anything to it, and even felt a little bit of expectation. In this way, he seemed to be able to treat himself as an Alpha. Anyway, he didn't have the first stage that an Omega should have. Bisexual, he is an imperfect Omega, but he is no worse than Alpha, so of course he can be classified as an Omega.

    However, it happened that Ming Zhi appeared, allowing him to have a preliminary experience of what it is like to be an Omega, although the experience does not seem to be very good.

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