"I....you can't do this to me Sebastian. Do you know how long I've been planning this? The girls work their asses off, heck I worked my ass off to make this fashion show perfect I can't just not go." I leaned from the bed and used my hand to support my body as I stared up at Sebastian with pleading eyes.

"I'm sorry but your health comes first." He persisted on it and I screamed pitchily in frustration, my fists hitting the bed as I swung around on the bed to face the other way. "You can be mad at me all you want but it's still going to be a no, I don't care if I need to lock you up."

"You're insoportable a veces I hate you!" I flipped the sheets off my body and got off the bed. "Can I? Or do I need to ask you for permission to go to the bathroom or better yet why don't you carry me to the bathroom?" I respond sarcastically when he stood in my way.

He sighed tiredly and backed away, giving me a chance to walk past him and into the bathroom. I slammed the door close and stopped in front of the sink, leaning my head down. I stood there for a few seconds to calm myself down and brushed my teeth before taking my clothes off to take a shower.

I walked out of the shower wrapped in a towel just as Sebastian walked in again with a tray of food. I ignored him and just focused on getting dressed. "I brought you breakfast." I looked at him from the vanity as I brushed my hair in front of the mirror.

"I'm not hungry." I respond back coldly and dry, my mood changing completely. I brushed my hair in a neat bun and stood up from in front of the vanity, going back to bed to lay on it with my back facing him. "You need to eat something." He persisted on it and I grunted in frustration, turning around to face him. "Don't give me that look, eat." 

My eyes looked down at the food and I knitted my eyebrows in confusion, something was telling me not to eat it. "Did you make it?" I found myself asking him as I stared at him and at the food on the tray. My intuitions never lied to me so I'm going with them, I won't eat that. Something's just not right. "Adrienne why?" He asked looking down at the food with knitted eyebrows and then back at me. "If it's because of what happened,  you don't need to despise her food, she made it for you."

"Well I don't want it." I raised my shoulders without caring as I shook my head at him with an apathetic attitude. "Simple like that." I looked at him dry, not caring about despising her food. I never liked her anyways. "You're impossible, she's doing something good and you're doing this to her? Since when did you become such a bitch like this?" I won't lie, that hurt me in so many ways but my pride won't let me show him that.

"I want another pack member to make us breakfast or just me if you want Adrienne here or I can just go back to my house because last time I checked, I wasn't kicked out and I was still part of the pack." His eyes turned cold at that and I knew that it got to him like his words got to me. "You know what, do whatever you want." He put the tray on the nightstand and walked out of the room, my body cringing when the door was slammed close. I sighed loudly and turned to look at the food, blowing air from my mouth as I leaned forward to grab the fork. 

I doubtfully took one bite and chewed on it, my fork going down to pick some more food when my stomach started to twist and an enormous nauseating feeling hit me strong. I couldn't reach the bathroom and just hovered above the trash can in Sebastian's room, my legs turning jelly underneath me. 

I leaned on the wall for support as I gagged my soul out, my legs giving up underneath me. My hair shield my face as I literally hugged the trash can. "What happened?" Sebastian burst the door open and stood on the doorway with a concerned look on his face.

'Your bitch of a maid is trying to poison me, that's what's happening.' I mocked in my head but I couldn't say that to him, I don't have proves well except for my intuition but that's not a legal proof and besides, I was pregnant too so it could be that. "The food happened."

The Heart Wants What It Wants *Completed* (Old Version) Being renewedOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz