It's Time

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POV: 18 year old y/n

Today is the day. Ever since my parents made me kill that woman, they've given me more and more missions. Surprisingly they have also let me keep the money. Well kind of, they get 1/4 of it. I don't really care that much about it, I had a side hustle anyway.

For the past few years I've been educating myself on the economies/housing markets in other countries as well as other states in the U.S.; where we're from. I've graduated early since my parents homeschooled me. I have my birth certificate, social security card, passport, a new phone, now all I have to do is pick a place to go.

I'm looking at the list of places I made. Most of these would take too long, except one: Korea. Believe it or not, my father was in the military and was stationed in Korea. He took my mom with him and bada bing bada boom: I was born in a hospital in Seoul when my mom was out and about one day. So I have already have Korean citizenship. I took Korean as a language in high school so I know enough to survive. Yeah, that's probably the best option.

*Time Skip: Escape*

I'm not going to take a lot. Travel sized toiletries, 2 weeks worth of clothes, and objects of sentimental value should be just fine. Anything else can hopefully fit in my carry on. I'm not weak so this shouldn't be hard to get out of my window.


"I'm parked where you told me"


I take one last look at my room, and make sure I have all the important stuff at least. Then I'm off. I waited until my parents were out on a mission. Sometimes they like to do them together to bond or something.

I make my way down this dreadful hallway. Passing the gray room on my way through the house. I can't hesitate.

Quickly but not carelessly I walk out the back door, careful to lock it and make sure nothing seemed out of place. I made sure to leave the gate unlocked for an easy exit.


It doesn't take me long to reach the end of my street. My Uber driver is waiting with his lights off just as I instructed. Perfect.

"Hello, are you y/n?" The driver asked as I approached the passenger window.

"Yes sir" I said with a smile.
He unlocked the doors and I put my luggage in the back seat. I sat in the passenger seat and buckled my seat belt.

"Where are you off to?" The driver asked.

" *Airport name* please" I answered.

And with that we were off. I can't let my guard down yet though. Until I step foot in Seoul I am still in danger.

*Time Skip: Airport*

"Here you are. Don't worry about paying, you seem to be in an unfortunate situation. I wish you luck" the driver said with a warm smile. How kind.

"That's really sweet of you, can I at least tip you a little? You deserve something for this" I asked.

"I will accept $20 for cookout if you really want to pay me" the driver suggested.

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