Questions And Phase 3

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I definitely took Felix up on his offer for me to sleep with him. I've actually been getting real rest and I can tell he has too. He said I didn't have to but I've also been sneaking into his room and sneaking out so the boys don't know. I just feel like they'd absolutely obliterate mine and Felix's existence with atomic teasing. I saw it happen to Han and Minho and that was eye opening.

Currently we're all doing our own thing. Seungmin and Jeongin went out for a small mission. It's to do a wellness check on a family they saved a while ago. Han and Minho are upstairs sorting through recent intel. Changbin is working on mastering some new fighting techniques from a book he found. I think Hyunjin is in his room but I'm not completely sure. Felix is in his office with my computer snooping around my mother's files to see what else he can uncover. And Chan is down here watching a YouTube channel I've never heard of.

Now is the perfect time to rip off the bandaid and ask him a question.

"Hey Chan, are you busy?" I said, standing behind the couch.

"No, why?" He answered, glancing from the TV to look at me.

"I have a question and you seem like you'd be able to answer it" I said, walking around to sit in the corner where the couch turns.

"What's up?" He asked, pausing his video and turning to face me.

"Okay, before I get to it I need to ask that you don't judge me. This is a little pitiful" I said.

"I have nothing to judge" he said, giving me a reassuring smile.

"Alright. What does a crush feel like? Like what is it?" I asked.

"You've never had a crush?" He said, flabbergasted at my confession.

"No.. I was homeschooled my entire life and wasn't given a chance to learn what real love was. Or crushes and dating and things of the sort" I said, a little embarrassed.

"Aw, it's okay. Nothing to be ashamed of. So a crush is basically when you have feelings for someone" he answered.

"How do I know if I have a crush though" I asked.

"Well a lot of the time when you're around this person your heart beat increases, you can't take your eyes off of them, you get jealous when other people get too close, for some when you're hanging out with the potential crush you get tired. That's because when you're cuddling or sleeping next to someone you have feelings for, your body releases the feel-good hormones and that can make you sleepy. Also you might find yourself thinking about them all the time, wanting to look presentable for them, etc" he informed me.

Oh my god I think I have a crush on Felix.

"Thank you. That sounds exhausting, I'm kind of glad I never went through the whole high school relationships phase" I said, slightly laughing to hide my nervousness.

"No problem. Why did you suddenly want to know? Does someone have a cruuushhh" he said, drawing out the word 'crush' in a playfully teasing tone.

"Uh. No. Why would you think that. I was just curious" I said, avoiding his gaze like the plague.

"You totally do! Who is it? Spill" he said, coming closer and sitting in front of me cross legged with his head resting on his hands.

"Ugh. If I tell you then you have to promise to keep it to yourself. I don't want to get hurt or make things weird" I said, giving in to his antics.

"I promise. It's not my business to spill so I won't say anything. Although you might want to type it out because Han can definitely hear us if he's looking at the cameras right now" he said.

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