Girl Light, Gas Keep, Gate Boss

849 22 32

POV: y/n
"Hey y/n, it's time to get up. You've got training to start" Felix said while gently shaking me.

I forgot about that. Oops.

"Yeah okay Lix" I said while sitting up.

I kept my eyes closed while I grabbed some black leggings and the hoodie I got from Hot Topic with Chuu. I then walked over to the bathroom and did my morning routine of brushing my teeth, doing my hair, and washing my face. Then I came back out and walked out of his room down the hall to go to the kitchen.

I walked into the kitchen (still with my eyes closed) and open the pantry to grab a pop-tart. I grabbed it and went to sit at the table. Once seated I opened the wrapper and began to eat.

They're not very big so it didn't take me super long to finish. When I was done eating I got up and threw my wrapper away. Then I walked back down the hall to sit on the couch and await instructions.

"Did she just navigate the house with her eyes closed?" Han asked, a very confused look on his face as he pointed at me leaving.

"Yeah I guess so, she did the same thing getting ready when I woke her up" Felix responded.

I heard them walk-in in and sit down. I refuse to open my eyes. I have no clue what time it is but it feels like the ass crack of stupid. Once everyone had sat down I heard Felix speak.

"Okay, training is starting today. However, as of last night we have a new member. So while you're training in your specific fields y/n will be asked to join you for an hour each. I ask that you assess how well she does with you and what she might need extra work on and report it to me when we reconvene tonight after dinner. Any questions, comments, or concerns?" He finished saying.

"No" we all said in unison.

"Okay cool, Han she's with you first. If any of you need me I'll be in my office with Chan" he informed us and walked out of the room.

They have more rooms in this place? Where?

I open my eyes to watch where he goes and I see him pressing the button on the elevator. Oh I see, it's on another floor. Where's their training rooms though?

"Follow me, our training rooms are on the fourth floor" Han said with a bright smile.

Did he read my mind?

I get up and follow them into the elevator with the others and we head up. The doors open to reveal a long hallway with large windows showing the inside of each room. They have really nice shit and their entire place is like really nice. But the outside looks like this place should be demolished. How?

I continue to follow Han to the left all the way down to the end of the hall. We enter the room and I see a shit ton of computers and other tech products. Ah so he's the techie.

"As you can probably already tell, I'm the one the handles all of the technological stuff. I don't know how much you know about these things so I'm going to show you how to navigate and then let you try to do some things" he said, a comforting smile on his face.

He shows me how he hacks into cameras, also where I can access the cameras they have around the house and outside. Then he shows me how to track people and what they're bringing in or shipping out. Then he showed me how to hack into different types of security systems. After that he demonstrated what to do to turn out lights and intercept phones to either gain a location or hack into the phone itself. Now it's my turn.

"Okay now that you've had a run down why don't you show me everything you remember" he said, getting up to switch seats with me.

I do as I'm told and show him everything I was shown. I even reiterated how I'd go about disabling things since we can't actually do that right this second. This is all stuff I've done before just not with this equipment. Most of it was done in person instead of remote.

Just Fuckin' Unlucky (Felix x Reader)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat