This Is Deeper Than I Thought

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POV: Felix (boss man)

"I'm nothing like them. I can't be. I swore I wouldn't"

She sounded so hurt saying that. Earlier she seemed so strong and big. But right now she's like a badly hurt kid.

This looked all too familiar. I'll be sure to have a talk with the boys about it. Though I'm sure they've put the pieces together by now.

I stayed like this, holding her, for a few more minutes. I want to make sure she's actually asleep before trying to move. I don't want to spook her.

Once I'm sure she's off to dreamland I begin to stand. I hold her bridal style and make my way towards the elevator. She's so light it's like I'm not even holding a person.

The elevator doesn't take long to come down and I step inside. I press the button and we head up. The doors open and I'm greeted by 7 slightly shaken boys.

"Felix, what the hell just happened?" Changbin asked.

"Shhh. It looked like what Minho said triggered something in her. In fact I'm certain that's what caused the violent outburst" I responded.

"How are you so sure?" Chan asked me.

"She whispered something before she fell asleep. I think this is deeper than we thought. Something isn't right and I think it's best we lay low until we figure out what exactly it is. Make sure you keep an eye on them, we need to stay on top of their movements at least. But don't go through with anything until we get all the information" I expressed to them.

"Okay. Are we free to go to bed now?" Jeongin asked. Clear sleepiness on his face.

"Yes. Have those who were hurt gotten cleaned up? Minho how are you feeling?" I asked them.

"I'm fine. Just caught off guard. Such a small human had me on the ground. I'm better than that" he said.

"There was no way you could've known how strong she was. Or how she'd react to your comment. Get some rest and keep an eye on your wounds. I need you guys healthy" I said.

They all nodded and one by one left down the hall to their rooms. I followed behind and took her to my room. I laid her on my bed and covered her up. Then I grabbed a pillow and blanket and slept on the small couch at the end of my bed.

POV: y/n

"Gray room. Now." My father said.

When I didn't move he grabbed me and dragged me to the room.

"It is not that difficult to do as you are told! We. Are. Not. Stupid. Honestly are you even my kid?" He said, hitting me between words.

"You costed us a lot of money young lady. So you know what kind of punishment that gets" he said as he reached for the real leather whip.

I was not leaving this room without new scars. He started walking my way and against my internal voice, I started screaming.

"NO" I screamed as I jolted awake.

It was a nightmare. I'm not at that house. But I'm also not in that basement. Where am I?

Panic and confusion slowly crept its way into my body as I looked around the unfamiliar room.

"Hey, hey, you're okay. You're in my room. You're safe" a deep voice next to me said.

I flinched and quickly turned to look at the owner. It's boss man.

He had his arms held out to me, waiting for me to make a decision. I hesitated at first, but then I cautiously accepted the comfort. Normally I'd console myself, but I'm so weak and shaken right now that I'll put my pride aside. He took me into his arms and slid down to sit beside me. I was then placed sideways on his lap and he started rubbing my back to ease my panic. I gently wrapped my arms around him and rested my head against his chest.

We sat like this for about 10 minutes. I was starting to nod off. Boss man must've noticed this because he started to lay me down and get up.

"No, stay. Please" I almost inaudibly said.

"Are you sure?" He asked, sitting down on the side of the bed.

I nodded shakily while looking into his eyes. I think he saw the fear in my face, even through the darkness, because scooped me into his arms as he laid beside me and whispered against my head:

"I've got you"

And then I fell back asleep. This time without waking up.

*Time Skip: morning*

I woke up and immediately realized I wasn't at home. The blanket is dark red, the bed frame is a dark colored wood. The walls are plain white. There's a window to my right with black curtains not closed. The floor is as predicted, hard wood. There's a fluffy white circle carpet on the ground next to the bed. On the wall in front of me is a dresser, and next to that is a door. To the left of that door is another half open. Inside of it I can make out clothes on hangers. On the wall all the way to my left is another door and tucked in the corner is an obvious gaming set up.

The memories of last night come back to me and I curl up in the corner of this bed. I can hear footsteps coming towards the door directly to my left. I watch and wait. It opens slowly and a young boy peeks in. Noticing that I'm awake he opens the door more and steps inside a little.

"Felix told me to come get you for breakfast. I'm Jeongin by the way" he stated with a big smile.

I nod and make my way over to him, making sure to keep my distance enough. I unconsciously wrap my arms around themselves and follow him down the hall.

The hallway is lit up and also a plain white color. We pass by multiple doors. Some of them decorated and some of them bare. When we come to the end it opens up into a large space. I'm assuming it's the living room because of the large couch and TV. Jeongin turns to the left and we walk down a small hall. This one opens up into the dining room and kitchen. The table is quite large and the rest of the boys are sitting. To my left across from it is an island with stools. The kitchen is modern, the counters a gray black and white marble, stainless steel appliances, etc. Jeongin pulls out a chair for me to the left of boss man and I hesitantly sit and stare at my lap. I really want to go home.

"MY SAUSAGE" I hear from beside me.

What the hell?

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