Phase Three Part B...And Lil Surprise

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"All.. of the.. congressman.. have been.. arrested" he said, trying to steady his breathe.

"No fuckin way" I said, turning to look at him.

"Yup, by the Pentagon. It was on US news" he said, having evened his breath and now smiling looking so proud.

"That's awesome! However, I need to know if they're going home awaiting trial, or if they're in custody awaiting trial. Depending on which one determines how we move forward" I said, making sure he knows he's done a good job.

"I will go find that out, a meeting should probably be called though. Meet me in the conference room?" He said, already halfway out the door.

"I'll tell the boys to grab their stuff, we'll meet you there" Felix said, waving Han off.

Once he's gone I put my hands on my knees and take a deep breath. Looking like I'd just run a 5k.

It didn't last long though. I am back in the zone. No emotions are aloud in the zone.

I stand back up, stone faced, and walk to Felix's desk to retrieve my computer. Felix does the same, but stops for a minute to study me.

"What?" I ask flatly.

"Nothing" he replied, still looking like he has something to say.

"Actually, how do you just switch so fast? I mean I've mastered it, but considering you've been out of the underworld for a while I expected you to take a bit to get the flow back" he said, now walking with me to the conference room.

"Oh sweetheart, there's a lot you don't know about me. A lot of things you don't know I've witnessed. It's forever engrained in me that emotions get me nowhere in these situations, and that they'll just make me make stupid mistakes. And stupid mistakes are not tolerated" I said, falling back into the mindset of teenage me.

We arrive to the conference room and take our seats. The boys shouldn't take long.

I open my computer to check the status of our message to the Pentagon just as they start to file in and get situated.

"Oh would you look at that!" I said mockingly, catching everyone's attention.

"Well I guess that starts the meeting" Han said, earning a few 'wtf' looks.

"What is it?" Chan asked.

"Upon receiving your previous message, we had a bit of a hiccup. One of my colleagues overheard a secret meeting between the afore mentioned congressman. They have been placed in federal custody until a trial is scheduled. While I do not appreciate your condescending tone, I realize you are under a lot of stress. I also realize that we cannot do this alone. We will accept your offer to instruct us. No questions asked so long as the instructions are clear. We have the same goal, for that I consider us equals. The Pentagon awaits orders" I read to them, laughing a little too manically at the end.

I think it's freaking them out. Oh well, I'll be back to normal once this meeting ends.

"That's good! Right?" Jeongin asked, flipping through the security cameras to the one in the basement.

"It is. This means we can start phase 3 part B" I said, smiling and looking to Felix to ask permission.

"Yes, we can start phase 3 part B. Go ahead and construct your next message" he said, nodding to me before continuing.

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