Dealing With The Elephant In The Room...It's A Man But Still

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I have never slept so good in my life. When Felix brought us home yesterday we skipped dinner and went straight to sleep. I didn't even care if the boys saw I was sleeping in his room. We were both walking zombies by the time we got home.

I woke up this morning and sprinted to my room to scream into my pillow. I have a boyfriend?!? I had my first kiss?!? I have a boyfriend and I had my first kiss?!?

So, since I woke up I have been held up in my room pretending I'm super busy. The boys think I'm doing civilian work related stuff, but really I'm just anxious. What if Felix sees me and regrets what he did? What if I do something wrong and he backs out? There's still a lot we have to figure out about one another, so what if he finds out what kind of monster I actually am and decides I'm worthless?

I know that all sounds insane, and I am aware it might not be true. However, I do have anxiety and with that comes overthinking. I am constantly analyzing everything around me, constantly aware of everything. That's part of why I have trouble sleeping. My body is tired but my brain doesn't follow right away.

Okay I've been in here for hours. I woke up at like 8am and it's now almost 3. I think I'm going to have to emerge from my lair. Ooo, I can take a book with me and then maybe they'll leave me alone? Yeah I'll do that.

I take a scan of my books to see what I'm in the mood for. Not really sure about Six Blood Brothers, although it is a really good book. H.P Lovecraft, like most of his popular works put into one book, seems a little too much for just wanting to be left alone. They'd probably ask me why I'm reading H.P Lovecraft. Oh! Perfect! It Ends With Us. I've read this like 10 times now, I have no problem reading it again.

I grab the book and a bookmark and open to the second chapter so it seems like I've been reading instead of just starting it. Plus I already know what happens in the first so it's not like I'm missing anything.

I put my phone in my pocket and reach for my door knob. I take a deep breath and open the door, walking out and closing it silently behind me. Now it's time to act. Well semi act.

I walk down the hall, engrossed in my book. The boys seem to all be in the living room playing Mario cart. Damn. I love that game.

I make my way past them and towards the kitchen, hoping I wasn't spotted.

"Oh my god, she lives" Han said, making me stop.

Damnit Han, I was almost to the kitchen to get my fudge poptart.

I slowly press myself against the wall and slide along it towards the kitchen. I am a chameleon. They can't see me.

"We can definitely all see you" Minho said.

Fuck off dude!

I ignore him and quickly walk to the pantry. Ah yes, my sweet sweet friend: poptart.

I grab it and close the pantry. But I don't turn around because something is off. There's a disturbance in the air behind me. Hmmm.

"Hi Felix" I said, not turning around.

"How did you know it was me?" He asked, impressed and confused.

"I don't know" I said, opting for turning to the side and walking around him.

"Ah, I don't think so" he said, gently grabbing my arm to stop me.

He then pulls me towards him and wraps his arms around my waist. A cute little back hug.

Believe it or not I have actually been reading this entire time. But right now I am struggling to get out of this hug. Not that I don't enjoy it. I just, oh I don't know.

Just Fuckin' Unlucky (Felix x Reader)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat