If You're Happy And You Know It Clap Your Hands!

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It's been about a year since we took down my parents. TXT and Enhypen are now part of Stray Kids sect, but operate on their own. They come hang out with us almost every Friday. Fridays are game nights.

Just as Felix promised, he took me on a real date when we got back from killing my parents. He didn't stop at one though. I have been on a date every Sunday since then. We alternate who takes who.

Right now we are all in the living room playing Mario cart. It's not my turn so I'm sat in the corner of the couch where it turns watching. I have a soft smile across my face. I've come so far since I met them. They've improved too.

This past week they've been really secretive though. Having meetings that I'm not invited to. Going on supposed missions. Supposed because they weren't dressed appropriately for a mission.

Something's up, and I reallyyyy wanna know what it is.

As I'm watching Jeongin absolutely obliterating Minho I feel an arm snake around my shoulders. I flinch away, tensing up at the unwarned contact. Sudden touch still startles me, but it's not as bad as it used to be.

"It's okay, just me" Felix said quietly.

Realizing it's him I slowly relax. I lean into him, resting my head on his chest, and continue to watch the boys play.

"Come on, I'm taking you somewhere" he whispered to me.

"What? Where?" I asked, sitting up and looking at him.

"That's for me to know and you to find out" he said, giving me an innocent smile.

Hmmm, suspicious.

*Time Skip*

He blindfolded me in the car so I wouldn't see where he's taking me. He's leading me down a path outside. I really have no clue where we are. I do know it's in the trees. Honestly, I'm a tad freaked out because we're in the trees at night.

"You trust me right?" He asked, coming to a stop.

"Yes, why?" I asked.

"Because I have to lead you through bushes" he answered.

"Uh, okay" I said, now super confused as to where he's taking me.

He leads me through the bushes, making sure to hold me a tad tighter so I don't fall. It doesn't take long before the space around me opens up again. He bring me to a stop.

"Are you ready?" He asked, now standing in front of me.

"Yeah" I said, smiling like an idiot.

He took the blindfold off and my jaw drops.

We're at the place he took me on our first date. The fairy lights around the trees light up the space just right. The tent is decorated with flowers, lanterns make a path to the entrance of it. The path of lanterns has flower petals on the ground also leading to the entrance of the tent. The movie screen is lit up with the name of the chick flick we watched on our first date. Looking around at how beautiful this is brings tears to my eyes.

"Felix" was all I managed to say, the tears falling as I glanced around and back to him.

"Don't cry!" He said, giggling a tad and wiping my tears away.

I laughed a little back and he led me into the tent. The same blankets we had the first time were in it, as well as a container of brownies. We made ourselves comfortable and played the movie. Just enjoying the moment.

*Time Skip: end of movie*

"Lix, what was all of this for? Our date night isn't until tomorrow" I said, smiling at him.

He didn't answer, instead he stood up and offered me a hand. I took it, standing with him. He led me to the space to the right of the tent, taking a small remote out of his pocket and aiming it towards a stereo I didn't even notice. The Rose by Bette Midler started playing.

Okay what is going on right now?

"Could I have this dance with you?" He asked, holding out his hand in a dramatic movie like manner.

"You may" I answered, taking his hand equally as dramatic and movie like.

We danced to the song, talking and laughing. I swear I can hear rustling in the trees. I've been ignoring it but seriously I think either a big animal is lurking or there's other people here.

The song comes to an end and Felix pulls me in for a hug. I hug him back, taking in this sweet moment.

After a few minutes he pulls away and starts lowering towards the ground.

"What are you doing?" I asked.

He just smiles and reaches into his pocket to pull out a little black box.

No fucking way.

"Lix, you're not!" I said, bringing hand up to cover my mouth.

"y/n" he starts.

"No you're not" I said, choking up a little.

"You are one of the strongest people I know. Always looking for ways to help others, make others happy, make me happy. Well sweetheart, you sure have made me happy. So happy in fact that I have a very important question for you" he says, mouthing 'its okay' to me as I have started crying.

"y/n l/n" he begins.

"Will you marry me?" He finishes, opening the little box to reveal a beautiful ring.

"Fuck yeah I will" I said, choking on a sob.

He slips the ring on my finger and stand up, pulling me into a gentle sweet kiss.

When we pull away I'm startled by loud cheers.

I look behind Felix to see the rest of the boys, TXT, and Enhypen all standing there with smiles on their faces.

"I KNEW I HEARD SOMETHING IN THE TREES" I said, earning laughs from all of them.

"You guys were in on this weren't you?" I asked, smiling ear to ear.

"Yup!" They all said, giggling like little kids.

I ran into the group and hugged Chan first. The rest piled around us.

"Um guys, can I have my fiancé back?" We heard Felix say.

We all laughed and ended the group hug. I walked back to Felix and jumped into his arms.

I looked at him, at those sparkly eyes. His freckles dusted across his face. Those perfect lips of his. The man I love, and that loves me.

"I guess I'm not just fuckin unlucky" I said, the biggest goofy smile on my face.

"No, no baby you're not" he responded, smiling at my statement.

Just Fuckin' Unlucky (Felix x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now