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"MY SAUSAGE" I hear from beside me. What the hell?

Oh. Boss man's sausage is being stolen. I am for sure internally laughing my ass off, but on the outside I either look mean as hell or like a scared puppy. I can't quite tell right now.

"Okay Felix, Seungmin, that's enough. Eat please" I hear the other Australian dude say from behind me.

Then a plate is set in front of me and he walks around the table to sit across from me.

I look down at the plate and see that they chose an American style breakfast. There's eggs (imagine them how you like them), two pieces of bacon, and two impressively fluffy pancakes.

I just sit and stare at my food. I don't really feel like eating after the fiasco that was last night. Also I don't think eating my kidnapper's food is a very smart idea. I will gladly sit here and listen to their chaos though. It's not like I haven't gone hungry before.

"I didn't poison your food y/n. It's okay. I'm Chan by the way" the boy in front of me said.

Damn, is he a mind reader or something? I look up at him with a blank expression so he knows I've acknowledged his existence and then right back down again.

"Felix she has to eat, can you help here?" Chan asked him.

"Would you feel more comfortable eating where no one can see you?" boss man said.

Ah so his name is Felix. Why are they so comfortable giving me their real names? That's kind of dumb.

Felix is looking at me waiting for an answer so I better give him one. I'm not going to lie and say I want to eat, but I'm not going to say no either. So I settle for a simple shoulder shrug. Short and sweet. I hear a sigh from beside me, the chaos on the other side hasn't died down. Great, I've pissed him off. Not a great thing considering he basically has ownership over me. Speaking of which, where is my stuff? I don't normally go this long without contacting Chuu. I really hope she hasn't called the cops.

I'm assuming they've all finished eating because I hear chairs sliding on the floor and the clanking of dishes. The group's footsteps move behind me and I hear the dishes being put into what I think would be the sink. Ah, so they're cleanly but also a gang and also boys in their 20s. Interesting.

They've begun to migrate down the hall towards the living room. I however have not moved an inch. I won't move until I am instructed. If I'm going to be kept here I'm going to do anything I can to make sure I don't get harmed. Sudden movements almost always warrant some type of negative reaction.

"You're allowed to move, I won't make you eat. I can save it for you if you want?" Chan said from beside me.

I hesitate for a moment before shrugging and standing up. I have not let go of my arms this entire time and they're starting to hurt. I hope they let me go back to Felix's room. But really I need my stuff. I need to go home.

"Go sit in the living room. We have some things to discuss and we need you to answer some questions" Chan instructed me as he walked off with my plate.

I immediately followed his directions and made my way to the living room.

When I walk in everyone is sitting down quietly conversing. The couch is shaped like an 'L' and the shortest side is facing me. It's gray with black stripes here and there, they're almost not noticeable.

Hm, mature taste. I don't feel comfortable sitting on the couch so I sit on the floor next to the edge of the shortest side. Now I can observe.

Beside me is Felix playing footsie with the familiar dude. Beside them is a dude with a really cute smile and Jeongin, they seem to just be having a normal conversation. Tucked in the corner where the couch turns is the tall dude minding his business but not very well. I can see that side eye clearly. What is he judging so hard?

Oh. Next to him is the guy I attacked and another guy I don't know being all lovey dovey. That's cute.

I let my eyes wonder past them to the wall right in front of me, it's bare except for an elevator. I'm guessing that's where I was taken to the basement from.

Further to my left is a pretty impressive entertainment center. They landed themselves a pretty big flat screen TV, an XBOX under it. There's LED lights around the bottom of the table and closed cabinet spaces I'm assuming hold games and stuff.

The floors are hard wood and there's the fluffiest damn rug I've ever seen in the middle of the floor. It's a light gray color to match the pillows on the couch. This rug is a square shape, not circular like Felix's.

My thoughts are cut short by Chan's voice as he enters the room and sits at the far end of the couch beside the elevator and the guy I attacked.

"Alright, we've got a few things to talk about yeah?" He said.

He earned a few muffled agreements as the side conversations ceased.

"First off, let's go around and say our names so that y/n at least knows who's who" Chan instructed them.

"You know me, I'm Chan"

"I'm Minho"

"My name's Han"


"I got you for breakfast, I'm Jeongin"

"I stole Felix's sausage, I'm Seungmin"


"And I'm assuming you know who I am, Felix"

They seem so normal? Which is weird considering their line of work.

"Perfect, so Felix, you can take over" Chan said, officially starting this little meeting.

"So, we all know what the situation is with y/n's parents. We need to come up with a plan to get what's ours. But first we need to understand the people we're dealing with. Which is where you come in y/n" Felix said.

They're all looking at me now. Ohhhh, not good not good.

"Could you tell us about them? As much information as you can remember. As soon as we get what we need someone will take you home okay?" Felix said to me.

I'm in no shape to talk. Normally I'm not this weak but Minho said something that really pushed me over the edge. Also I haven't had to think about or be worried about my parents for a long time. The sudden influx of every single thing that went on in that house has thrown me off balance.

That and them grabbing the chains was a perfect concoction for flashbacks. When this happens it's pretty common for me to go nonverbal. I sigh and make the writing hand motion, signaling I'd like a piece of paper. If it means I can go home I might as well give them what they want.

Let's get this over with.

Just Fuckin' Unlucky (Felix x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now