Time To Be An Actress

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The whole JYP fiasco really threw me off my groove man. I really want to go home but I can't. Not that I don't enjoy it here. I absolutely love their base. Especially Changbin's domain upstairs. But I can't help but feel weird just showing up and living here. I did join so it's not super weird but still. They all have their own room and Felix is stuck with me in his. That's gotta be frustrating yeah?


Oh I'm getting a call. From my landlord? Uh oh.

"Hello?" I said.

"Hey y/n. I received some worried calls saying you haven't been coming in or out of your apartment. Did you go on vacation recently?" He asked, sounding nervous.

"Yes sir I did. Is everything okay?" I asked, throwing on my fake concerned voice.

"Um, well since there were multiple calls I had to check to make sure you were okay. Um, you are thankfully. But the guy on your floor isn't" he said, letting out a breathy nervous laugh.

"I'm sorry, guy on my floor?" I asked, making some noise to sound like I was frantically gathering my belongings.

"Yes. It appears this guy broke into your home and killed himself on your floor. There is a bullet hole in your living room wall though, so he might have been intoxicated too?" He informed me.

"Oh my god. This is the first vacation I've had in years and this happens? I'm going to be home on Thursday. Is that okay?" I said, trying to sound stressed. I think it's working hehe.

"That's perfect. We've already contacted a cleanup crew. Just for the troubles I'm going to reduce your rent a little. There is also going to be added security. I won't go into too much detail though, it's not set in stone yet" he said.

"Oh you don't have to do that! My rent is already low, what about your family? I responded.

"Emily, the kids, and I will be okay. The other residents weren't as smart as you. You have been a joy to have in this complex and you have helped me and my family a ton. This is the least I can do considering there is a dead guy on your floor" he said, chuckling at my (semi-fake) humbleness.

"If you insist. But I will be stopping by with homemade granola bars" I said, now that wasn't a lie.

"If you so desire sweetheart. You remind me so much of Daisy" he said, I could hear him tear up through the phone.

"Aw, Papa that's so sweet. Remember she's not hurting anymore and you have two beautiful living pieces of her" I comforted him.

"Thank you. They are blessings. Well I'm going to get going, the clean up crew is here. Take care and get home safely. See you Thursday" he said.

"I will, you do the same. Bye" I said and hung up.

"Who was that? You have a grandpa?" Felix said from the door making me jump.

"No, that was my landlord calling about the dead guy on my floor. He got some calls and told me people thought I was dead. Don't worry I played it off as I had been on vacation. I call him Papa because he deserves the title. He told me to call him Papa, and he acts like how I imagine one would soo" I said, shrugging my shoulders after the last sentence.

"Oh, okay. Does that mean you're going home?" He asked, sounding kind of sad.

"Yes, Thursday. He said he's adding more security. But I also just feel bad intruding into your space like this" I said.

"You're not intruding I promise. More importantly, is it safe for you to go back? They know your address now" he asked.

"Uhm, great question. I need to go water my mascara" I said while making a b-line for the bathroom.

"Ah- no come back here" he said, damnit he pulled out the 'ah-'.

I stopped and slowly turned around to face him.

"You don't have to go back there. You're one of us now. Speaking of which we have a meeting in a few minutes" he said.

"I know but I really like that apartment and my landlord is such a sweet man. He's taking care of two young children, his daughter passed about a year ago. This is money he needs. He updates the complex anytime he sees anyone struggling which means that the security he's getting is going to be pretty darn good" I told him.

"You could always still pay rent and just live here. We could all go to yours sometimes to hang out and stuff so that your neighbors don't get too suspicious" he suggested.

"Ugh, fine. Let's go have that meeting" I said.

We walked out of his room and down the hall to the living room. The boys are already sitting on the couch conversing and goofing off. They stopped when they saw me and Felix walk in. I sat down where I did the first day here and Felix sat to my right on the couch.

"As you all know, we have a new member. Which means we get to inform her of our group and what we stand for. Then I have some things to discuss with Chan and her afterwards" Felix said, starting the meeting.

"Welcome to the team y/n! So, you're probably wondering if we have a name. We do! It's Stray Kids" Chan said.

"Stray Kids?" I responded.

"Yeah, We're all here because we were picked up off the streets or saved from bad homes. Hence the 'stray'. The 'kids' part is because we were all pretty young when we were found" Changbin informed me.

"Ooh, that's smart. Wait, am I considered a Stray Kid?" I asked.

"Yes you are, we saved you and took you in which is how most of us got here" Chan answered.

I smiled and waited for the rest of the information.

"I already told you a little bit about what we do. But I didn't tell you why we do it. We all came from pretty bad situations, and we know there's a lot more people out there in those same situations. As well as really bad people that the authorities just won't take care of. Which is where we step in. We dish out the justice that everyone wants but no one wants to admit they want" Felix said.

"That's badass. I'm glad I'm a Stray Kid and not what I once was. Those were dark times" I said, fading into dissociation and coming back a couple times.

"It's not your fault what they made you do. You were just trying to survive. You can be everything you wanted for yourself here" Felix said, setting a comforting hand on my shoulder.

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