Oh Fuck No Asshole!

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Me: "Felix, they've found me"

Felix: "Okay, okay okay. You tell me what you need us to do. You know them better than us but we have the technology to help"

Me: "They sent the person who helped train me his name is Wesley John Thornburg. So far that is the only person I see in here. Get your best together, he's very very skilled. Do NOT come through my front door. I will tell you where to go when you get here. Who are you bringing?"

Felix: "It's going to be me and the boys with my other men on standby. Changbin is my best guy after me"

Me: "Alright, half of you go around back, the other half in front. Put Changbin in the back with you. Tell me when you're here"

Felix: "We have eyes on your complex, me and Changbin are on the way to the back with Hyunjin and Seungmin. Chan is taking the others around front in the van. What are we doing?"

Me: "Around back you should see fire escapes. Mine is the 3rd unit over from the left on the 4th floor. My living room window is to the left of the fire escape. I have cameras all over my apartment, I can see where he is and where he is going. Head up now, but try to be as quiet as possible. Wesley has very good hearing"

Felix: "On it. Keep me posted on his position while we climb. It shouldn't take us long"

Me: "He's still in my kitchen. I have blackout curtains in my living room that are closed so he shouldn't be able to see you unless he opens them. He doesn't have a reason to. He looks to be getting ticked off and he's walking towards my room. Felix where are you?"

Felix: "We're on the fire escape. You can text me if you have to"

Me: "I'm going to text you"

I hang up the phone and immediately open messages. There's no time to panic. They need to have specific instructions to follow if I want everyone out of here unharmed.

*In Messages*

"Okay, he's in my room. I am on the top shelf of my closet backed into the darkest part. In front of you is a big window. There should be a lock on the outside with a place to put in a code. The code is 4367. Once you unlock it, stay put and tell me"

Felix: "Got it"

Felix: "It's unlocked"

"Okay, he's still in my room. I have a speaker to connect to in here. I'm going to connect to it to keep him in here for as long as possible. Start opening the window and once you hear music climb through. Do not go all the way into my apartment. Stay in front of the window with your guns drawn. Do not let your guard down. I will know when you're in and I will turn the music off and speak through my ring doorbell. He should walk out of my bedroom from the right of you and you are to shoot him. Go for a head shot at the back of his head at the bottom where it curves to meet his neck. Don't miss. If you do he will shoot you"

Felix: "This is insane. We're ready when you are"

Once I read the text I started to execute my plan. I connect to my speaker and play a random song. It just so happened to be the song Wesley hates most: I'm Walking on Sunshine.

Just like I wanted, he stays in my room looking around for me. I check the cameras to see the boys already inside waiting. Before Wesley could get to my closet I speak through the ring. I watch him walk out and then I hear the gunshot.

And then another.

There should've been only one?

"Oh fuck no asshole!" I said as I grabbed my gun and jumped down from my closet.

Just Fuckin' Unlucky (Felix x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now