Does the Epcot Ball Have An Only Fans?

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So far phase 3 has proven difficult. It's harder than I thought to uncover the identities of my parents minions in power. I expected some pushback since this is at least 4 generations in the making, but nothing like this. I've only uncovered one of them. I think I need the boys help.

I close my laptop out of frustration and decide to name the things around me. It's a new grounding technique I'm giving a go.

I'm in the conference room so there's not much. The door is wooden and stained a nice honey color. The door frame is white along with the trim around the room and the ceiling. I see they're a little smart building wise because they don't have popcorn ceilings. The walls are a light gray color. Kind of boring but I mean it's a conference room. Conference rooms aren't meant to be elaborately painted in daisies and
butterflies and rainbows.
There's a small table in the left corner along the wall with the door. It has a Keurig, coffee pods, tea bags, sugar, and paper cups. On the left of that tucked snug into the corner where the two walls meet is a mini fridge. I've discovered that it houses creamer, water bottles, and 7-Up.
The table is long and clearly stained mahogany. The finish on it is glossy and well done. It seats 12 but there's only 9 of us so we don't use the 3 seats closest to the door.
Speaking of seats, the chairs are all black leather and rolly and spinny.
Pretty bland but again, this kind of room isn't exactly meant to look extravagant.

Hey wait, this grounding thing actually helped quite a bit! Look at me making progress. Hell yeah.

I definitely just gave myself a high five. I hope Han got a laugh in if he's looking at the cameras right now.

I open my computer back up and go into the file title "the day." I've been putting off looking into this but I need to know if I'm safe and if Emily and the kids are safe.

I need to know why my parents want my landlord dead.

He doesn't exactly strike me as the gang affiliated type. He doesn't show any of the classic signs. Even the background check I did on him was clear. He was in the military though. Maybe he had a run in with my dad?

As I look through the file I come across a recently added footnote listing the file names for different individuals. I click on the one for my landlord.

Apparently he did have a run in with my father. He walked into the barracks and witnessed my dad killing someone. He tried to slip out undetected but my dad saw him before he could. My landlord decided to play dumb and acted confused as to why my father was acting all strange. I'm guessing my dad took that as an opportunity to cover his tracks. He let my landlord walk off and from then on he became a liability.

Does my landlord know who I am? Like actually know who I am? That might explain why he's always been so kind to me. He might know more than he's letting on. If he does, he needs to spill. But the only way to do that would be to reveal my true identity. That's going to have to wait.

I exit out of his file and look back at the long list of names with file names attached. I click on one and open another tab to research the name first.


I found their minions in power.

Their files all have in depth information on who they are, what their job is, who their families are, where they live, etc. They were even so stupid to put in a run down of their day to day schedules.

*In Messages*

"Hey, could you come to the conference room?"

"Yeah, be there in a sec"

Cool. Now I just have to wait for him and he can copy down the information. I don't want to take the risk of copy and pasting stuff from the files. I don't want anything to be messed up because then my parents would know their intel has been compromised.

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