You're A Dense Liquid

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"I will excuse it this time. You helped me prove we have the right one" the deep Aussie voice said.

"Excuse you?" I said.

What the fuck does he mean by that? What have my parents gotten themselves into?

"You, are going to help us, get your parents, to do what we want" he said.

Okay what is with the deliberately slowed down tone, I'm not dumb.

"What did they do? Also you obviously haven't done very good research you dense liquid. They won't budge" I told him.

At this point I don't give a fuck if this is a smart or dumb decision. I'll deal with the consequence of my action.

"They owe us money and injured as well as killed a lot of my men. They need to answer for their mistakes and with you we have a way to get them to do it" he informed me.

Wow okay so somebody clearly didn't do their job.

"Boss, you're just going to ignore the fact that she called you a dense liquid? And that they won't budge?" a soft voice said.

I looked to see the owner and it is a tall dude with longish hair. Now that I'm looking at them, they all seem oddly familiar.

"Okay, but you gotta give it to her. That was a pretty creative insult" another said.

This time it was the one standing to the right of the deep Aussie voiced guy. The other Aussie.

"I am aware she said that. That will be dealt with momentarily. What do you mean they won't budge?" The deep voice who I'm calling 'Boss Man' said.

Oh boy, someone reallyyy didn't do their job.

"HA, one of you is about to get in trouble. You think my parents care about me? They'd probably tell you to kill me since I was so stupid to get kidnapped. Well technically I wasn't 'kidnapped' since I walked here willingly but you know what I mean" I told them.

I paused for a moment to giggle at their faces, well except Boss man, his face is stone cold.

"It'll just make things harder for you. They won't take you seriously and you'll end up not getting what you want" I finished.

They seem to not care as much as I hoped they would. Which is not good for them nor for me.

"Why would we believe you? You're probably just like them and just trying to save their ass" a voice I hadn't heard until now spoke.

And the first words I hear from his mouth are the words I've dreaded my entire life.

I made my way towards him. He's not tall but he's tall enough to be bigger than me. That's okay. He's just poked the bear and he's about to deal with the repercussions.

I didn't bother saying anything. I went straight for the pressure points and weak spots. First kicked him where the sun don't shine, then hooked my leg around his to kick his knee so he's on the ground. As he crouched I bring my knee up smacking his face into it. When I'm certain he's not getting up I throw punches. Normally I'd stop here but he crossed a line far from the reigns of self control. I go for the throat, choking him with one hand while the other continues punching him in the chest to knock the wind out of him.

This all happened so fast the others didn't even have enough reaction time until the boy was starting to whisper for help. Upon hearing this they snapped out of it and I was pulled off of him. Not without a fight though. It took four of them to get me off and keep me off.

"What the fuck!? One of you get the chains from the wall. Now." Boss man said.

The tall one with longish hair did as he said. I was then being dragged towards them. My sight is now heightened, as well as my other senses. The concrete in this room reminds me all to well of the only place that could make me weak.

The gray room.

Upon making this realization my breath began quickening. I can feel the air touching me, my clothes touching me. I can hear absolutely everything. I feel like I'm in an oven but I'm reacting as if I'm freezing. The shaking has started. I can't stop shaking. My entire body is going against me right now. I can see the one I attacked being cared for and looking at me like I was a disgusting piece of trash. I don't blame him because I am.

They finally got me towards the back and I can hear the sound of the chains clanking together and dragging across the floor. This is when I lose it.

I gain some of my strength back and I begin putting up a fight. The one I attacked isn't the only one with a bloody nose now. The four holding me are starting to struggle. Then I hear boss man speak.

"Leave her on the floor, but don't let her get past you." He instructs them.

They do as told and I back up until my back hits the wall. I could care less about them seeing me break right now.

All of them watched as I curled up into a ball. A shaking mess. My breathing hasn't slowed, in fact it's only gotten worse. I feel like I'm suffocating. Tears are starting to form, clouding my vision in the process. Since I can't see I start to panic more.

"Everybody out. Halt operations until I give you the okay" boss man said.

Obviously nobody moved because he called out again.

"Well don't just stand there, MOVE" he said, clearly impatient.

I heard shuffles and the elevator doors open.

After the elevator was on its way up I heard foot steps coming towards me. I'm in no shape to think rationally, my body is thinking for me. I start violently shaking, barely taking any breaths. I'm starting to feel dizzy because of it.

Just then I feel a pair of arms pull me into their lap. I flinch at the touch and try to struggle, but it proves useless. I'm too weak right now to put up a fight.

"Breathe. We're not going to hurt you. In for four, out for 8" boss man said softly.

I was reluctant at first but his voice sounded so sincere. I slowly and shakily did as he said. Unconsciously I took hold of his shirt, my head against his chest.

My breathing has slowed and the tears have begun to slow as well. But I'm still shaking rather badly. Boss man has taken notice to this. His hold on me is getting tighter and he's slowly caressing my back in an attempt to aid my shaking to a stop.

"Shh. You're okay" he said.

Surprisingly this helped.

I began to calm down, only shaking here and there. He continued to hold me tight, but began gently rocking side to side. Since I was so worked up the post panic attack crash starts to kick in, his rocking gesture adding to that fatigue. My eyes began to close and I managed to whisper something before succumbing to my body's need for sleep.

"I'm nothing like them. I can't be. I swore I wouldn't" and just like that I was out.

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