We're Makin' Homie Broth

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It's been about a week since I was willingly kidnapped. Felix kept his promise and after I wrote out everything they needed to know I was taken home. Granted I was blindfolded again, but that's understandable. I wouldn't want someone not in my immediate circle knowing my codes and where exactly I held operations.

They gave me my stuff back which was great because I called Chuu and she was crying. The poor thing thought I was murdered. Thankfully she didn't call the cops.

My apartment didn't seem out of the ordinary, everything was right where I left it. Although, since I got back I've been carrying my grandpa's gun. I haven't carried it since I moved to Korea, I haven't needed to. But considering I was kidnapped by people not on good terms with my parents I feel it might be necessary.

Especially since my captors are working against my parents. Anything can happen and I'll be damned if they get to me while I'm not prepared. Fuck that shit.

It's Sunday now, I'm not working today. I normally take off Saturdays but we had an event yesterday that I was needed at. It was a teen's birthday, her parents paid to have the dining area for a few hours.

I've started taking different routes each night going home. I feel it's smarter to not have a predictable schedule. I just have a feeling I need to start being more aware. I've run it over with my landlord and was approved to add a few new locks to my front door and windows. I also have some cameras set up, and a ring door bell. I did make sure that no one can tell it's a ring though, it just felt necessary.

I haven't really been going out much either. I think it's starting to worry Chuu so I agreed to hang out with her today.

*and I was like BABEEEEE*

Me: "Hello"

Chuu: "Hey! Were you still able to meet today?"

Me: "Yeah, I'm actually getting ready to leave right now. Was there a change of plans or are we still meeting at the mall?"

Chuu: "Nope! Still going to the mall, I was just making sure you could still come. Last time we made plans you went missing"

Me: "Yeah I'm still meeting you. If you want we can stay on the phone until we see each other? I'm leaving the house now"

Chuu: "That sounds great actually! I'm on the way there too"

*Time Skip: mall*

Me: "I think I see you, are you by the trash can next to the bus stop?"

Chuu: "Yup! I see you coming towards me!"

Me: "Okay! See you in a second!"

I walk faster towards her and she does the same. When we're close enough we envelope each other into a tight hug.

"I'm so happy you could make it! Where should we go first? I was thinking Hot Topic because I need some new skirts" Chuu said in her enthusiastic lil' voice.

"That sounds great! I actually needed some too, maybe a nice hoodie" I said as we made our way there.

"Oooo, their in-store selection has improved since I was last here" I said in awe when we entered the store.

"Hey! Do you want to get matching outfits? We can pick a skirt and hoodie, any color skirt but the hoodie needs to be black" Chuu suggested.

"That's a great idea! I'll find mine, you find yours and then we'll meet back here to reveal them" I said. We made our way to find our outfits.

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