✨I Like To Move It Move It✨..So Do My Parents

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My office on the third floor is finally done. I have a little bit of everything in here, because I do a little bit of everything. The only things I don't have in here is stuff like Hyunjin and Changbin's office spaces, and the drugs/chemical part of Seungmin's.

The door to my office is centered with the room extending on each side of it. On either side of my door, just like the boys have, is a window overlooking my office. To the left of the door is where my desk and all my monitors and TVs are. To the right of the door are five rows of filing cabinets. Like I said, I do a little bit of everything, which includes filing the information I find and what not.

Further into the room in the middle section are two decent sized tables. The one a few feet from the left wall is used for drawing floor plans and writing out mission plans to check for errors, etc.; there's also a paper shredder pushed up against the wall like Minho's with a bulletin board hung above it. A few feet from the right wall is a digital table like Jeongin's. It's used to make routes like his, but also to review footage and photos closer or make digital floor plans.
The very back of the room is split up between work and personal.

The left corner has been boxed in and has a door placed in it facing the entrance to my office. This little room is for personal use. Specifically self therapy. I have a bean bag in there, panels of soft padding about 3 feet up the walls safe for punching, plenty of pillows, fluffy blankets, fairy lights along the ceiling, and the walls are my favorite color.

On the other side of the little room is an open space with a loveseat against the wall of my therapy room, another one across from it, and a coffee table in the middle of them. This area can be used for meetings, a change of scenery while reviewing information or gathering information, and so on.

I think my office is pretty nifty. It's separated by specific jobs, getting broader as the room deepens. This is definitely a space I can see myself being useful.

I have just finished writing down the plan to get the workers being sent to me on our side, and what our next steps are regarding ending my parents organization. It will be reviewed at the meeting tonight.

Although I don't need to just yet, I am currently drawing up both a physical and digital floor plan of my parents house. The physical one will be put up on the bulletin board, the digital one will be saved and then printed out so each of the boys have it to study. I plan to randomly quiz them on where things are in the house.

I'm so zoned into making sure this floor plan is clear that I don't hear the knock on my door, nor do I see the person standing there. That is until there is a human being right next to me. But not just right next to me. This hooligan is playing full volume a bass boosted version of I Like To Move It Move It, from Madagascar.

It obviously startles me and I fall onto my ass. That's going to leave a bruise. I slowly look up to the culprit with pure distaste and judgement on my face.

It's Han.

The I Like To Move It Move It culprit is Han.

"What the fuck dude?" I said, standing up and rubbing my now sore asscheek.

"You weren't paying attention so I made you pay attention" he said innocently with a shoulder shrug.

I look at him dumbfounded for a second before resuming making floor plans.

"What did you need?" I asked, erasing the mistake he caused.

"Your parents are taking after Marty. They like to move it move it" he said, laughing at his little pun.

I however do not find that funny at the moment. I will later. Just not right now.

"What do you mean? Are they starting things early? Or doing something different?" I asked, speed walking to my computer to check 'the day' file.

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