Dodged A Bullet...Literally

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Jeongin dropped me off and I ran into work so fast I slid into the counter. Good times, good times.

"Woah! Are you okay?" Chuu asked, offering me a hand to get up.

"Yeah, I just don't want to be late to clock in" I said, taking her hand and smoothing out my clothes.

"Oh, don't worry I clocked you in when I saw you get out of the car. Who dropped you off by the way?" She asked as we walked to the back.

"Just a friend I made when I went to see Twilight" I said, sending her a smile.

"All right, well let's get this shift over with" she said.

*Time Skip: middle of shift*

Everything has been going pretty well so far. There hasn't been any suspicious people coming in. It's not as dark right now, I think spring has started. That means it's going to be getting busier. Great.

"Ma'am?" Someone said from in front of me.

"Oh sorry! What can I get started for you?" I said, walking up to the register.

"You" the person said.

"Excuse me?" I responded, now fully taking in the man's face.

He looks familiar but I can't quite place it. He's definitely not young.

"I said I want you" he said and pulled out a gun.

Oh nice.

"Woah, okay dude. How about you wait until my shift is over. What would you like to order?" I said.

There I go again, mouthing off to people I probably shouldn't be mouthing off to.

"Fine. A large caramel latte. You try anything and you're in a pickle because I can't kill you but I can injure you" he responded.

Oh! How nice!

"Got it man. Your total is $6.50" I informed him.

He surprisingly paid and sat in the right corner facing out to the rest of the store. Nobody else was coming in so I went back to sitting down. I pulled out a book and made sure he could see it and pretended to read for a few minutes. Occasionally adjusting my position so he can see the book still in my hands. After a bit of that I discreetly took out my phone and texted Felix:

"Step out. The Kraken"


Cool cool. Now it's just a waiting game. I put my phone away and went back to reading. It actually was a pretty good book.

I heard the door open and looked up to see Felix, Seungmin, Hyunjin, and Changbin. They walked up to the counter.

"Hi welcome in! What can I get for you?" I said my spiel.

"Uhm, how about just four iced caramel lattes" Felix said.

"Of course" I responded.

While I was typing in the order I motioned over to the man in the corner. Felix nodded letting me know he understood and went to the left side of the room with the others. He didn't pay because the order isn't real, but the other guy doesn't know that.

Just Fuckin' Unlucky (Felix x Reader)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz