Quitting Job...It's Okay Though Because ✨Mission✨

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POV: Felix

"I'm seriously just fuckin unlucky" I heard her say before she clocked out.

Oh this poor thing. She's never had a break has she?

I step off of the elevator and walk towards my room. Struggling to open the door for a second but succeeding anyway. I gently place her on my bed.

Should I change her? She's got dried blood all over her. I don't want her to be upset, but I also don't want her sitting in bloody clothes.

Maybe I should wake her up and ask. Yeah I'll do that.

I crouch beside my bed and softly shake her. She stirs a little but doesn't wake up fully.

"Baby, wake up" I said to her, giving her another gentle shake.

"Hm" she replied.

"Do you want to change or do you want me to do it for you?" I asked.

"I'll do it" she answered, sitting up with her eyes half closed.

"Okay, let me get your PJs" I said, standing to retrieve her extras from my dresser.

When I turn around she's standing and walking towards the bathroom.

"Here" I said, putting her clothes in her hands.

She takes them and closes the bathroom door. It doesn't take long before she emerges with her bloody clothes, still half asleep.

I take them from her and put them in my bloody clothes hamper. Then I make sure she doesn't run into anything while she blindly navigates my room. She flops face first onto my bed. I laugh a little at this sleepy head and gently bring the comforter over her.

I walk around to the other side and get under the covers as well. Turning onto my side so I'm facing her I take the time to admire the beautiful person in front of me.

She's perfect. Not in the exact definition of the word. She has flaws and insecurities. But that's what makes her so beautiful. She's perfect because she's human. And I hope I can teach her to think that way about herself.

*Time Skip: a few days later*

POV: y/n

I've been thinking about this for a while now. With everything going on and the whole being in a gang thing, I've started to think that I should quit my job. My parents are getting stronger in terms of locating me. And with finding out they're importing chemical weapons and shit I don't think I need to be out in public unless it's a mission or something. Especially not in a workplace. I would never forgive myself if these girls were harmed because of my parents.

It's taken so long for me to make this decision because I adore this job and Irene. But I also care deeply for my coworkers, both day and night staff. I have gotten the day shift to a point where they're functioning and even hanging out sometimes. I felt that if I left that progress would disappear. However, that is not entirely my problem to deal with. What's more important to me is that they are safe. At least safe enough.

"Hey Irene, could I speak to you in the back?" I asked her seriously, finishing up an order and handing it to Winter.

"Sure" she said, heading back with me following.

"What's up? Everything okay?" She asked, looking worried as I never ask to see her so emotionless.

"Um, yes and no. I have some family members that really need me. They have just been devastated by a financial crisis and really need me around the house. On top of that I've had some personal issue starting to flair up and it's really starting to hinder my ability to work. Basically I'm putting in my 2 weeks" I said, still sounding serious but with more sadness in my voice.

Just Fuckin' Unlucky (Felix x Reader)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin