Go Before I Slap Your Titty

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Today is the day we invade Cheolhyuk's modeling firm. Well, kind of. He will bring us in and introduce us as the new security. He will then take us around the building, us taking note of suspicious rooms and such. Before we get upstairs he will unlock the back door where no one is allowed in or out of. Once he does that and we are on our way up to his office, the ally gangs on standby will carry out their roles. Everything else is the same. We search the office, kill him, kill the staff involved in the trafficking, I start acting.

Not all of us are going in. Jeongin and Han will be in the car. Since this is a running building invasion, Han is staying back to watch cameras and tell us what's happening through comms. That would've been my job but I'm going into the field for this. I've had a bit of practice in the field because Felix wanted to make sure I was ready. I have been more than ready in most aspects, except trusting what I'm being told through comms. I'm so used to doing everything on my own that it's a little difficult to put that trust in someone else. However, I really wanted to be in the field for this so I've been working super hard.

"We leave in 5 minutes, if you're not ready by then we're leaving without you and you're doing extra watch shifts for a week!!" Chan yelled from the living room.

"FUCK THAT" I heard from Seungmin's room, followed by a lot of muffled rustling.

All I need to do is put my change of clothes in a bag. I had them laid out last night but I forgot to pack them. Oops.

I walk down the hall to see the boys sprinting to the front. Some of them have shoes halfway on, some are securing gun holsters.

"Okay, everyone check yourself. Make sure you have everything" Felix said, doing the same.

We've all got what we need so we head out. It's a different van this time. This one is silver with black outlines, same tinted windows though. Jeongin switched out all of our cars since things are starting to pick up. He's going to keep them on a rotation to at least try and keep anyone watching confused.

We start towards the long term holding building. A couple of our trustworthy workers should have Cheolhyuk ready for us.

Jeongin pulls into the lot and the workers bring him to the already open door. Then we're off to his building.

It's Saturday so there's not a lot of people in his building. Felix and Chan are stood half behind Cheolhyuk, holding onto his shirt discreetly. I'm stood directly behind him, Minho is to my right, slightly right of Chan. To my left and slightly left of Felix is Seungmin, and holding up the rear is Hyunjin and Changbin in the same position Felix and Chan are in.

We make our way inside, getting some weird looks from the few staff members here. None of them have asked who we are yet.

Cheolhyuk leads us past the front desk and to the left. We walk almost all the way down this hall before making a right and walking to the very end. He points to four doors.

"Those are where victims are put in holding and currently being held" he said quietly.

"Thank you, unlock that door" I whispered in his ear from behind him.

He does as told and I take Felix's work phone to text the group chat with the leaders involved in this mission. Then we turn around and head back the way we came. This time he takes us to the right of the front desk and turns left immediately to a series of elevators. We cram into one, flipping so we walk out of it in formation.

This building isn't insanely tall so it doesn't take too long to make it to his office. We walk out and to the left. He brings us to a door that is password and handprint protected. Han has already unlocked it for us so Chan opens it before Cheolhyuk could put his stuff in.

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