All You Can Do Is Try

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POV: Felix
I opened my door to find y/n sitting on the ground. But not just sitting there. Her arms are covered in blood. I walked over to her fast but slow enough to not startle her.

"Hey, y/n give me the blade" I asked of her.

She hesitated for a moment, staring at the blade, before shakily handing it to me. I put it away and grabbed the first aid kit from my bathroom. I sat in front of her.

"Can I see?" I asked.

She looked up at me for a split second before putting her head back down and nodding yes. I gently took her left arm, inspecting the damage. The cuts weren't too deep, just in a place that bleeds a lot. I cleaned up that arm and wrapped it before turning to assess the other. It was the same as the left, not super deep just angry. I cleaned and wrapped that one too. I get up to put away the first aid kit and come back to sit in front of her.

"y/n, what happened?" I asked her, dipping my head slightly to look her in the eyes.

She shrugged and continued to stare at her lap.

"You don't have to talk about it right now. What do you need?" I said.

"A hug" she said ever so quietly.

I opened my arms for her and she cautiously leaned in. I don't want her back to cramp so I carefully wrap an arm around her waist and pull her to sit on my lap. I then put my arms back around her. She rests her head against my chest.

We sit like this for a few minutes before she starts to speak.

"I'm sorry. I shouldn't have done that in your room. I don't even know what came over me. I haven't done this since I left my parents.." she said.

"It's okay. I'm not mad, just worried" I said, lifting my hand to move her hair out of her face.

"This is the reason I wear long sleeves in public. Only Chuu has seen my scars. And now you too I guess" she informed me while pulling her arms further into her torso in an attempt to hide them.

I let her hide them. There's no use in saying she doesn't have to right now.

"I'm not going to judge your scars. Scars tell stories. Sometimes they're not the happiest but that's okay. These scars show that you're strong. Think of them like battle scars" I tried to comfort her.

"Hm, that's a nice way to put it" she said, sighing before speaking again.

"It started after my first kill at 15. My parents started sending me on more missions. I gave myself one cut for every year of the victim's age. I remember the most memorable victim's names because I feel I owe them at least that much. But I always did 'this' just in case I forgot their name. They deserved to have at least some kind of justice. But after about a month or so, it started to become more of an addiction than an act of justice. It was the only thing I had control over. If for some miracle I was assigned to assassinate a bad person, I would refrain from doing it. It was only innocent people and second hand suicides that got the marks. I felt so helpless and now that they've found me I feel the exact same. I'm not weak, not by a long shot, but they spark something in me that makes me seem weak. Why won't they just leave me alone" she said, letting out a sob at that last phrase.

I tighten the hug and let her cry in silence for a moment before speaking.

"It's okay, I've got you. We won't let them get you" I whispered to her, gently rocking her.

We sat in silence like this for a while. I let her feel what she needed to feel. She has to let it out.

"Thank you" she said, voice barely above a whisper.

"It's okay, I don't mind" I whispered back.

"Felix. Can I ask you something?" She said, looking me in the eyes.

"Anything" I responded, waiting for her to ask.

"...Do you guys kill innocent people" she asked, dread visible in her eyes.

"No, no we don't. We take down bad people. Like rapists, child abusers, corrupt businessmen, and so on. We never kill unless it's absolutely necessary and we never under any circumstance kill children. We do deal in arms and do other groups favors to make money. But we never kill unless we have to. We aren't horrible, maybe from a civilian standpoint we are, but really we aren't. Kind of like a more violent and more intelligent version of the police" I told her, as I was speaking I could feel her start to relax.

"I didn't know mafia's like that existed" she said, astonished.

"Well here we are, we have an ally that does the same things we do. I do believe there's more of us just maybe not in this syndicate" I said, and she nodded.

"Um, I have one more question" she piped up.

"Ask away" I encouraged.

"Could I join you? It's okay if you'd rather not, considering who my parents are. I want a chance to do good, and regular law enforcement is not an option. I don't want to have to come up with a story on how I'm so good at shooting moving targets, or clearing rooms even when I'm moving through the dark. I also don't want to do the training and have all of these rules for how I dish out justice. It just doesn't make sense to have so many rules that inevitably protect the aggressor. Again it's oka-" she said, I cut her off before she could ramble more.

"y/n, you can join. I was going to ask you that anyway. We're going to need your help taking down your parents" I assured her.

"I can? Awesome! Wait does that mean I have to quit my job? Because I really don't want to. I have a reason for that and it has to do with my slight start of a plan to take out my parents" she asked nervously.

"No, you can keep your job. Also what do you mean your slight start of a plan?" I asked her.

"I've started brainstorming what their moves would be and how I could counteract them. They've done this before, and they never change their tactics. They hate changing how they do things once it works the first time. It's catching up to them. Without me there they don't have access to the security I was forced to provide. No key pads on doors, no ear pieces, I mean they've still got pagers for clean ups" she informed me.

God that is so attractive. Ugh, shut up Felix you barely know her.

"Yeah you can definitely join. We will need to see how trained you are though. Just in case there's something you're rusty on or are unfamiliar with. Your parents made you an assassin which is needed sometimes but here we work as a team. There's no solo missions" I told her, admiring the beautiful human in front of me.

"Oh, okay" she said, sounding nervous.

"What's wrong?" I asked her.

"What if I'm not good enough? I worked solo for a very long time and I've only been socializing since I moved here, which hasn't been a super long time. What if the others don't think I'm good enough? I imagine you can't let me go because it's a liability but if I'm not good enough to join then where will I go? What could I do to help?" She asked.

"I promise you you'll be more than good enough. All you can do is try. Let's get you to sleep" I said as I picked her up and tucked her into bed, walking to the other side to lay down as well.

She hesitantly scoots towards me and I put my arms around her so she can cuddle into my chest. Just as she's about to knock out I accidentally say my thoughts out loud:

"I promise to protect you angel"

And then we both drifted off to dreamland.

Just Fuckin' Unlucky (Felix x Reader)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant