Well This Just Got Weird

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So, now that you're basically caught up here's what I'm doing now. I've been working at a small family owned coffee shop called The Kraken since I moved here. It pays surprisingly well and the environment is so homey. My coworkers and managers are almost like family, but I'm not completely sure what a normal family is like so maybe they aren't?

"Hey y/n, would you mind restocking the ice? I have to potty" my coworker asked.

"Of course Chuu!" I said.

Chuu is one of the sweetest people I have ever met. She's so hard working. I'm honestly surprised she's not in a management position by now.

*One potty break later*

"Thank you so much y/n! Do you need help up front? I saw a big group walking in a few seconds ago" she asked.

"How many? Y'know what, could you come up with me and then we can decide. Better safe than sorry" I responded.

"Sure!" Chuu said. (Seriously she's so sweet)

"Hi welcome in! What can I get started for you?" I said with my little costumer service voice. (Spoiler: nowhere near my real one)

"Hello, I'd like a large regular iced coffee please" the dude said.

Wow. Hold on this guy is pretty gnarly. I'd like his gym routine. Man's is buff as hell, but like in a that's impressively hot kind of way, not a that's too much kind of way y'know?

"Of course, will that be all?" I asked.

"Yes ma'am" he said.

"Alright, your total is $5.87" I informed him.

*8 orders later*

"Hey y/n are you busy anytime soon? Me and the others wanted to know if you wanted to go with us for a night out. Like dinner, shopping, maybe troll some people and make them think you're the girlfriend and I'm the other girl" she asked me.

That sounds absolutely hilarious.

"Um, I don't think I'm busy? When were y'all planning to go?" I asked.

"Really whenever, everyone is free tonight and this weekend. It depends on when you're available if you wanted to go" she said.

"I should be free tonight! I'll let you guys know for sure when I can check my calendar at home!" I responded.

"Okay! If all your closing tasks are done you should be free to leave. I think that group left a few minutes ago?" She said.

Omg that smile is adorable. Anyways.

"Yeah they did, I just have to wipe down tables and stack the chairs and then I'll be heading out. Who's turn is it to lock up?" I said to her.

"I think it's yours? I can check your cubby for the keys while you start on tables!" She suggested.

"That'd be great Chuu! You're honestly a life saver you know that?" I said with a smile.

"I know I am! Now go, I want to see you tonight!" She jokingly said.

I'm going to be quite honest, I have no clue how these tables and chairs get so filthy. Who raised these people? I would never go into someone else's place, restaurant or not, and leave a mess.

Just Fuckin' Unlucky (Felix x Reader)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu