This Is Only The Beginning

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Felix took out his phone and clicked on a contact. I faintly heard the phone ring and then Chan's voice.

"Felix? What's wrong?" He asked.

"Step out." Felix said quietly and then hung up.

He opened his messages and texted Chan the details of what was going on.

"Did you make sure they know to be careful? If they've sent Micheal himself then there's probably about 12-17 others with him" I said, still looking into the garage from the shadows.

"I did. They've tapped into the security cameras and have eyes everywhere. They should arrive any second. Do you have a plan?" He said while putting away his phone and reaching for his gun.

"Yes. But it requires a partial split up. Two people in each group, scatter around the mall, get to as much cover as possible while still having access to the target. Then we have to make noise to draw them to us and we take them out that way. Please no civilians. Micheal's men are always clad in gray joggers, shoes, and sweatshirts. He said it makes it easier to tell who's down." I informed Felix of the plan. A hint of unease flashed across his eyes for a second before he went serious again and texted Chan.

"Come out, come out wherever you are" Micheal said, sounding closer than I'd hoped.

"Felix, are they here yet?" I asked, my voice barely a whisper.

He simply nodded yes and I nodded back signaling I understood.

"Don't. Move." I said.

I've spotted Micheal but he doesn't see me. He's walking along some parked cars, occasionally smashing a mirror. Come on idiot, get just a little bit closer.

"y/n you know better than this. If you come out I can take you home. Your parents have missed you y'know? They've been worried sick" he said, still not aware that he's walking into a death trap.

He keeps walking, slowly coming closer. The dumbass hasn't checked his shadows. I guess his age is getting to him. He walks right past me and Felix. I wait for him to get a few more feet ahead of us before I speak from the shadows.

"You and I both know that's bullshit" I said.

Felix moves slightly and I take my free hand to push him against the wall with strength that surprised him.

"Oh how lovely it is to hear your voice princess" Micheal said, walking towards where he heard me. He needs to retire because he's walking right past me again.

I wait for him to be right in front of me about 2 feet away before shooting him in the side of his head just above his left ear.

"Stay put." I said to Felix before moving to walk towards him.

I take his gun and throw it as far away from him as possible. I have a feeling there's more than just him in this parking garage.

I was correct because I saw another head down the lot. Ducking behind the few cars in here. Someone just got trained.

He gets close enough for me to make out that he's young. He looks about the age I was when my parents decided I was ready to be a killer. I can't kill a kid.

"Felix. I can't kill him. I won't. I'm going to shoot him in the leg, just enough to graze him and give him a taste of what it's like. Then I need your help dragging him back over here. Stay alert." I said, looking deep into his eyes.

He nodded and I turned back to look at the boy. He spots Micheal and runs over to him. Rookie mistake. Once he's knelt I shoot. Felix is already behind him covering his mouth and dragging him to me. I take the boy in my arms and make him look at me.

Just Fuckin' Unlucky (Felix x Reader)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat