Well Ain't That Morbid

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POV: 5 year old y/n

I was walking to ask my mom if I could have a snack. As I strolled silently down the hall way and the stairs I heard distant voices. They sounded angry. Curiosity got the better of me and I crept closer, making sure to remain undetected. My parents were yelling at another stranger. Why in the living room?

"We held up our end of the deal, now you have to do yours, what is so hard to understand?!" My dad yelled.

I don't think I'm going to be getting a snack.

"I swear I thought I pulled out all of the money! Please can I just give you this and bring the rest in a week! I have a family to get back to.." the poor guy pleaded.

I kind of feel bad for him.

"The deal was we killed the target and you paid us the money. We made you aware that if you did not fulfill your obligations, you would pay for it with your life. You should have done it right the first time. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes. You should've worked on your stupidity before paying to have someone killed. You had your chance and you blew it. Find the light quick." My mom said eerily calm like she always was and shot the man in his forehead, no doubt hitting every vital part of the brain necessary to kill him.

"Great job sweetheart" my dad praised before giving my mom a short kiss.

That's gross.

My dad then presses an alert button he programmed to vibrate the device of the recipient. Letting someone know that a clean up is needed.

"Honey, could you start me a bath? I'm going to throw a quick dinner together" My mom said sweetly to my dad.

I wish they loved me as much as they love each other.

"Of course" he said and started walking my way.

I quickly pretended I had just come down after waking up from a nap.

"Who told you you could leave your room?" I heard my father say.

Uh oh, he doesn't sound too pleased.

"...nobody" My tiny voice uttered as I looked at my father's cold emotionless eyes.

"You played a stupid game, so you win a stupid prize. Gray room. Now." He said.

I did as he instructed, bracing myself for the pain I was about to endure. He's right, I deserve it.

*Time Skip: 15 years old*

I had been training with my parents for about 7 years now. I think I've fooled them enough to start getting things in line to leave. It will have to be slowly. I'm already as bad as them. At least that's how I feel. They have no clue what I am capable of, nor would they suspect I wasn't on their side.

"y/n! I have a task for you, living room now!" I heard my dad yell.

This should be interesting. I quickly and quietly made my way to the living room. I made sure to leave my emotions and morality behind. I have no clue what they could make me do, and the last thing I want is to hesitate. They hate when I hesitate. I walked in and saw a woman on her knees, already badly beaten. She's quiet, no signs of protest. I take note of that and look into my father's eyes awaiting instructions.

"This woman has paid us to kill her. Since your mother and I were about your age when we had our first kill, we thought you should do the honors. This gun was gifted to you by your grandfather. My dad was my hero, he told me to make sure this goes to my first born and stays with them no matter what. Here kiddo" My dad said.

Wow. Uh. Okay I did not expect that. I close my eyes and switch myself into numbness.

"Yes, sir. Thank you sir." I say emotionless as I take the gun out of his hands.

Out of the corner of my eye I see my parents step back. My mother in my fathers arms. Tears of I'm assuming joy roll down her face. This is sick as hell. Am I really about to do this? There's no time to think about it. If this is what I have to do to survive, then so be it.

The woman on the ground looks up at me with a smile. Oh, this poor thing. She doesn't speak with words, she speaks with her hands. Her right hand lifts up to point to her heart. I understand what she means and I give her a reassuring nod. The woman sees this and drops her hand. She then closes her eyes and blindly smooths out the white shin length dress she has on. Not a second later she is on the ground, dress turning a dark shade of red. Time stops. I can hear my parents praising me. I see my father press the cleanup button. I watch the deceased woman get carried away. I am watching it all, but I'm watching it from what feels like an underwater glass tunnel. I don't even fully comprehend the slap to my face until I hear my father's words.

"Look at me when I'm talking to you! I asked you a question, you are expected to answer whether we are pleased with you or not. Do you understand?" He asked.

"Yes sir. What was the question sir?" I asked him while looking him in the eyes, those dark dark eyes.

"Where would you like to eat dinner? We feel you deserve it for the big milestone." My mom said before my dad.

"Is Uncle Al's okay ma'am? I would really like a good burger" I answered.

"Of course darling. Go ahead and get changed and put your shoes on. Someone will come get your clothes to wash them" My mother instructed with a smile.

"Yes ma'am, thank you ma'am" I said and swiftly turned around to head to my room.

The show starts now. I have to get out.

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