I'm Mature...But Also Angry

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I'm up at the literal ass crack of dawn right now. I kind of regret asking for a shift change, but I know it's for the best. People tend not to do anything in broad daylight, well unless you're an amateur robber or something.

It's 6am right now and I'd literally rather be stuck in bumper to bumper traffic needing to pee than be awake. Today's gonna be an interesting day. If these day shift girls try to act up with me there, they're in for a really good 'lesson'.

"Are you ready to go? I'd like to get back to bed" Jeongin said.

"Yeah" I responded, walking out of the door with him.

The base is surprisingly close to my job so it didn't take long to get there. I bid Jeongin goodbye and walked inside. Irene said she'd be here to give me a run down of day shift. It's not too much different than night, but there's some things I'll need to get used to. And fix.

"Good morning y/n. Ready for today?" Irene said while I put my stuff up.

"Yeah, what time do the others usually get here?" I asked.

"Usually about 6:45-7:00. Since you've been here longer and I trust you more you'll have the opening set of keys. Which means you'll get here at this time everyday. I did have Winter doing it but that poor girl just couldn't handle the others" Irene informed me.

"Okay, so what's different?" I asked as we walked back up to the front.

"The way we operate stays the same, the only different thing would be the amount of people coming in. Which means it can get stressful, and that's where you're going to need to step up. These girls have no clue how to work together and I can't get through to them. As long as there's no assault involved please correct their behavior how you see fit" she said, the fatigue in her voice now very apparent.

"Oh they'll be in shape soon" I said, assuring her that I've got this.

"I really appreciate you. So when you get here in the morning all you need to do is make sure the night staff properly cleaned everything, assemble what needs to be assembled, stock what needs to be stocked, things like that. We have a group of regulars that get here right when it hits 7:00 and some of them really don't have patience. We have their orders written down up at the front with their names next to them. Normally the two that get here at 6:45 handle those, but just in case one of them isn't here I'll need you to help with that" she said, showing me the paper taped to the counter at the register.

"Now as for helping get these girls in order, you have complete freedom. All of them have been trained to do everything just as you were, so if you feel they need to be moved around then please by all means do so. I made sure I had today clear, so if you have an issue you can't resolve please call me" she said as we approached the door at the front.

"I will. Though I think they'll be shaped up pretty fast" I said and smiled at her.

"Thank you. Have a great day! Keep an eye on Winter, I think the issues have been getting to her, poor thing" she said.

"I will, take care!" I said and waved her off as she walked out of the door.

I did everything mentioned earlier for when we open. I know my night shift family so there wasn't anything to clean. I restocked some things and started to assemble some of our machines. Once that was done it was about 6:45 so I went to the front to check if anyone had shown up. Sure enough there were two girls in front of me.

"Good morning, both of you fed?" I asked.

I always make sure everyone has been fed. Nobody can work when they're hungry and not everyone can control that.

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