Phase 2

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For the past few weeks we've all been trying to gather as much information on my parents as possible. Like if they have any major missions coming up, who their allies are, etc. They seem to have at least one ally, but we haven't figured out who it is yet nor if there are more. Knowing my parents, there's definitely more.

I've also been slowly forcing myself to relive my childhood. The faster I can get over what I went through, the better I'll be at destroying them. So far I've been okay with the memories, and hearing their voices. What's holding me back is seeing their faces and the scars covering me. Specifically the ones that were not caused by my own hands. They just make me feel weak. I'm not weak so why did I let my father and his closest workers do that to me?

Currently I'm in the conference room where we called my parents. I have my computer out and I'm digging into a snippet of information my mom gave me about their big news for me. She said they've been training me to carry out this task my whole life. That they couldn't do it so they made someone who could. So far it seems like they want me to assassinate someone. But I can't figure out who. I know it's someone well known. That's about all I know.

Hold on, that might change.

I'm hacking into my mom's computer. I made all of her passwords and such, so it didn't take me long to get in. There's a folder named 'the day' that seems a little suspicious. Why? Well for starters, it's locked. But also it's the only folder that uses all lowercase letters. All of her others are properly capitalized.

It takes me a tad longer than usual to get into the folder. The password ended up being my name and birthday backwards and forwards as one chunk. What I saw when I opened it made my heart sink to my ass.

My parents have been training me to slowly assassinate each member of the US government. They also have plans in here for how to take over said government, and plans to demolish and/or gain control of every gang they can get their hands on. Including Stray Kids. In fact, we're at the top of their list of high value gangs to seize.

Before I go any further I take out my phone and text Felix that I need him. Then I go back to snooping.

Oh. Oh my god no. They want me to assassinate Felix and Chan, my landlord, and then....myself?

Where's Felix? I need Felix.

*In Messages*

"Felix, I need you."

"I'm sorry, I was on the phone with Seungmin. He and Hyunjin were on a mission. Are you still in the conference room?"

"It's okay, I understand. I'm still in the conference room, yes"

"I'm coming from down the hall"

I left him on read and went back to the folder. The astronomical plans they have are making me sick. I mean what kind of sick bastard wants to make foster kids into assassins? And they plan to do it the same way they did me. I thought they treated me like shit, the way they plan to train those kids is arguably worse.

The door opened to reveal a slightly worried Felix. He's dressed in white washed jeans and a black hoodie he definitely stole from Chan.

"What's wrong?" He asked as he walked towards me.

"So I was frustrated that I haven't been much help lately and decided to see if I could get into my mom's computer. I did and well, here look" I said, turning my computer slightly to the left so he could see.

Just Fuckin' Unlucky (Felix x Reader)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن