CHAPTER 28 Successful

Start from the beginning

He went near Laurent's body and said to himself " I spent most of my time here with you, you were actually someone's whom I had trust when he lived here. I actually missed you a lot when I left, and now after years I came and witnessed you like this.... I had come here for your help but God had other plans. In some way, I believe the Lord wanted me here to be with you at your last meeting. But I wish I was a bit early."

His eyes became moist and after a lot of courage he turned towards Grace.

"Grace, we should at least try to find something related to what we came here to ask. He used to read a lot of books and do research. Let's search for something related to curses."

Grace nodded. They checked his almirah and drawers. They were filled with books and documents. It was difficult to find something in there.

James checked his watch ,"we only have 10 minutes left Grace, we have to hurry."

They continued their search and finally Grace found something.

" James..."

James turned towards her. She found a research document on "The story of curses researched by Colon Laurent."

He walked towards her and checked the index. It contained information about curses and also... Removal.

"This is exactly what we needed." James searched inside the book, while Grace's eyes fell on a document file with James written on top. She took out the document and opened it. Her eyes widened... She glanced at James, but did not tell him anything.

" Grace keep this in the bag."

She nodded and hid that file behind her. Then she kept both files in her bag.

James walked towards Laurent and said, "You have always been an enormous help to me, both alive and dead. I owe you a lot Uncle. Jesus bless you in heaven."

" 2 minutes left, guys leave!" Adverd said as he re-joined the line.

" Okay". Said James.

He stood for a few seconds and prayed for the deceased, then grabbed Grace's hand and left the room. They walked in silence down the hallway, James still gripping Grace's hand.

He stopped abruptly when they reached the staircase. He looked at the stairs leading to the upper floors. He stood still as if deciding on something. He took a deep breath, Grace whispered beside him " James, I think you should go up, live old memories, good ones."
He turned towards her looking at her lovingly and telling himself that this girl understands everything without even saying.

" I know we are short of time , but we are done with our work , I am sure no one will get to know about us, it may happen no one sees the recording .. you might not know when you will come here again." She continued.
After thinking for a while , he decided to go upstairs to the fourth floor. " I won't take long, let's go " he grabbed her hand and they ran upstairs. He was filled with a sense of nostalgia as they moved further, memories flooding back of times spent there in the past.

They reached the fourth floor and first proceeded to James' room.

He opened the door. He thought that the room would have been destroyed and locked but surprisingly the room was intact and the door unlocked. He stepped inside and saw that everything was as he had left it.

 "This is....was my room ." He ran his hand over the familiar objects in the room. He took one last look and stepped out, closing the door behind him. He was filled with a mix of emotions, but mostly relief that his memories were still intact. He had feared that this room, which held so many memories, would be empty and forgotten. But now he knew that it would live on in his mind, even if it was no longer a part of his life. He smiled as he walked away, knowing that the past was not gone.

" Bro, the cameras are activated now. I hope both of you have left? Because I can't see you guys on the first two floors."

They didn't respond. Adverd thought that might have been due to poor network which implies they were in the tunnel and he ended the call. However they were still in the palace.

They passed his room and saw the king's room. James stood in front of the door for a few moments. The door was locked as expected.
He lovingly touched the door and whispered "You were a good father but never a good lover..." , a tear rolling down his face. He stepped away from the door and continued along the corridor, stopping in front of a nearby window. He looked out, his gaze distant, contemplating the kingdom he had inherited. 

" You know Grace as a kid I was very happy being a prince and wanted to rule this kingdom, to see everyone happy.. my mom proud." He sighed, remembering the promises he made to himself and the people.

" She would still be very proud of you James. You have always made everyone happy." She put her arm around his.

Taking one last look, he allowed memories to fill his mind, both painful and joyful. In the next few minutes, they walked away from the window and continued walking down the path. He had a heavy heart. He could never forgive his father for what he had done to his mother. He knew he would never forget the pain of this moment. He would never forget the moment he stood at his father's door and vowed to never be like him.

They reached the first floor when Adverd called them , " what are you still doing here ? I can see you guys on the first floor."

They did not respond and just moved towards the tunnel door. Adverd knew something was wrong and started running towards them. He whispered, "Wait! What's happening?!" But they had already opened the door and gone into the tunnel. Adverd stopped in his tracks, his heart pounding.

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