I am leader material?

Start from the beginning

"Because I'm a Luna." I said, Theo looked at me and nod. I turned to see the sky who's already dark and the full moon is raising. In that moment Theo let out a big groan. Derek and I looked at each other, "Looks like we got to chain him up."

Quickly Derek and I got Theo to the basement of the building and chained him up but Theo's a born wolf, they're a bit stronger then bitten.

"You don't feel anything?!" Theo yelled at us

"We feel every second of it but we learned control, that's what you have to learn too." Derek told his youngest brother as he hold his chains.

I stepped in, "There's this mantra, maybe it helps you with to remain control of your human side." Theo looked at me, this was the first time his look didn't yelled arrogance, he's vulnerable and scared. "What are three things cannot be hidden?"

Theo pinched his eyebrows as he got more savage, "What?!"

"Focus!" Derek yelled as he hold him tighter

"Hey, stay with me. What three things cannot longer be hidden?!" I told him

He glance at both of us, thinking. "The moon, the sun, the truth."

"There you go, repeat it, slower. You get calm with every word."

Theo started breathing normal as he repeated those words, his werewolf features even vanished as he got calmer and calmer. By the ten time he repeated again he was totally calm. I flashed a grin, "And that's how you control it."

"How do you guys control it?" Theo asked, Derek was about to take off his chains but he stopped him, "Just in case."

Derek nod and looked at me, "I got her- Katherine's my anchor."

I gave him a little smile, "He's mine too but I am my own anchor as well."

We stayed there a little longer till we knew it was safe for Theo out. Upstairs I took a quick shower then went to bet with Derek. Instantly I got my place wrapped in his arms and read the same pages he's reading from one of his old books. This page is about pack, "Here I thought you knew plenty of stuff about packs."

Derek let out a small scoff, "Is always good to know more."

"What are you going to do with your brother?" I ask him, slowly raising my head to be able to see his eyes.

Derek gazed at me and shook his head, "I have no idea, I don't even think his father will be back to get him."

"Your father." I said

"He left when I was young, the only thing he left us was his last name." Derek said.

I look down at the book, "How were things before he left? Is he a born wolf? Did he turned your mother?"

"No, my mom was a born werewolf too but she was the next to be alpha of her family. My dad was also the next to be alpha of his family... It was a rare match but they made it work for a couple years till he left." Derek told me

"Do you think if we ever have kids, they'll be wolves too?"

I felt Derek's smile over my head, "Yeah, there's a big chance we'll have lots of temperamental kids with anger management issues but you were bitten so there's also a big change maybe one of them won't have the gene."

"Did you read that on the baby wolves section?" I ask him with a bit of a mocking tone.

Derek chuckled, "Something like that."


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