"Adara-nim, Cale-nim, you really—." His voice was full of admiration, but Cale looked at the clock and cut him off.

"Go tell Ron to prepare some alcohol on the first floor."

"Are diff— what?"

On the first floor, a little while later, Adara and Cale were drinking freely. It was peaceful, a change to the usual atmosphere while one of them was drinking. They were on the couch, Adara was leaning on Cale's shoulder and Cale had an arm wrapped around her. They were both flushed, drinking bottle after bottle.

Everyone knew how pretty and other-worldly Adara and Cale looked normally, but now that their faces were a strikingly warm red, Cale's cheeks being a bright scarlet and Adara's a dark carmine, and their eyes seemingly unfocused, everyone couldn't help but think they looked prettier drunk.

And they weren't as loud as they normally were, well, Cale was usually the louder one, but today the two of them were just silently talking with each other, mostly drinking. The kittens occasionally came to them, but Hans had taken them away as an extra precaution.

"It is okay to let them drink so much?" Choi Han asked Hans, who was next to him. He was feeding On and Hong food, while trying to make sure they wouldn't go too close to the two Trash.

Hans nodded. "Yes! There is nothing in their hands, thus, it is safe! They both promised they wouldn't throw any bottles!" 

Except, Choi Han was talking about their safety, while Hans was referring to themselves. Choi Han didn't continue talking once he saw the conversation take an odd turn. He quietly scooted away from Hans, and instead looked at Cale and Adara to make sure they were safe. He had seen a slightly-healing wound on Adara's hand when they first met, he remembered asking Hans what happened. He said that she broke a bottle, and one of the shards hit her hand, creating a wound, but he got quiet when he asked why she broke the bottle. Now, the wound was barely there, not even a scar could be seen. He wondered why that wound had healed, but the others hadn't. Hans said that Ron said it was a deep cut. Was Ron lying?

Neither Cale nor Adara was aware of his gaze since he did not have any bad intentions. They were too busy praising the alcohol. "Old man, your alcohol tastes great! Much better than I expected," Cale admitted.

Most of the envoy were drinking, there were some who weren't but that was to make sure nothing happened. In the first hour, they were all nervous. When they all gathered because they were going to drink, some of the soldiers showed up with their helmets on. They had to reassure everyone that they would not throw any bottles. Repeatedly.

"This village may be small," the old man started saying, "but there are a lot of mountains around it. The alcohol is a special alcohol I made with fruit and herbs from the mountain. That is why it is a bit expensive," he explained.

Adara turned to look at the old man. "How many do you have?"

"Quite a bit, Young Mistress."

Cale motioned to everyone in the room. "Then get some more and send it around to everybody here."

Vice Captain, Hilsman, who had his eyes on the bottle in Cale's hand, shouted out, "Young Master and Mistress, you don't need to—," but he was cut off by Adara.

"Just drink," she said, as sternly as you could while drunk. "We're telling you to drink. Drink to your heart's content, or don't, we don't really care."

The soldiers all started to look at them with sparkles in their eyes despite her crude words. It was one of the first times they were excited to see a bottle in the two Trash's hands.

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