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Choi Han watched the three from outside the door. He watched Adara cough to clear up her voice, while Hans worried over her, begging to not overdue herself. He watched Cale stare at the tea in disgust while taking slow sips from it. He remembered the conversation he had with Ron the night before at the sight of them.

"You're going somewhere?" Choi Han had asked.

Ron had nodded as if it were obvious. "Yes."


"Nothing a punk like you needs to know about."

Choi Han had frowned at that response. "Did you come to talk to me for Cale-nim and Adara-nim?"

Ron only shrugged. "You figure it out." And then he left.

Choi Han had stared at his back as he left, seeing not the servant, Ron, but the assassin, Ron.

"Choi Han," Adara said to get his attention, her voice now as it normally was.

He snapped up to look at her. She was out of bed by now, holding the clothes Hans set out for her.

Seeing that she had his attention, Adara continued talking. "Is Lock awake?"

Choi Han nodded. "Yes, Adara-nim."

Adara made brief eye contact with Cale. The Wolf Tribe really do have fast regenerative abilities as they say. He was ready to pass out yesterday, but now he is perfectly fine. She turned to look at the time. That piggy bank will arrive soon. She sighed. We promised him a drink and we already told him the location. It is the same inn that we told Choi Han to stay in once he got here. She felt herself become happy. That inn has a bar which is famous for its alcohol. Maybe that drink won't be that bad, even if it is with a greedy piggy bank.

"What about the children and the merchant at the inn?" Cale asked. For the 10 wolf children were also staying at the inn, accompanied by the merchant.

Choi Han looked at Cale as he answered his question. "I was thinking you two could stop by on your way back from the meeting."

Cale blinked at him. "Meeting?"

Adara turned to him, the clothes still in her hands. She was waiting on the couch next to Cale for the conversation to still so she could take a bath and change. "Do you not remember? The meeting invitation we received yesterday, from Gilbert Chetter, Eric Wheelsman, and Amiru Ubarr. The Noth-Eastern Meeting."

"Ah, now I remember," he said dejectedly.

He really does not want to go, she thought, laughing to herself. Well, I'm sure Amiru has some very important news to tell us. The kittens came to her then, jumping up into her lap. She petted them, enjoying their warmth.

Hans spoke up at that moment. "The guest wishes to speak with you two, Young Master and Mistress, as well."

Adara smiled at him, knowing immediately he was talking about Crown Princess Rosalyn. "When does she say she wants to speak with us?"

Hans shrugged slightly, though, in a benevolent way, as a servant is meant to do. "She said any time will work based on your schedule."

Adara smiled at him, the same smile she always had on. Hans swallowed, not liking her viciously sly smile. She wants to confirm the possible existence of the dragon. Isn't she smart? Adara was thinking, not noticing Hans's reaction. I'm sure she has never met a dragon before, but she was probably able to deduce that no other being could have such powerful mana except a dragon.

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