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The kittens, understanding that they were not to show that they knew anything of Taylor and Cage, nodded. Adara saw them nod and closed her eyes as she leaned back into the seat.

"Are you going to sleep?" Cale asked. If she was, he didn't want to disturb her.

"No, just thinking." She sighed, her eyes still closed. "I don't want to meet the Crown Prince."

She couldn't see, but Cale's eyebrows shot up. "Oh, why not?"

She was petting Hong. "Just because. He's been inviting me to events since I came back 4 years ago."

"He personally invited you?" he snorted. "Most nobles would die to get such an invitation."

The corner of Adara's lip curled up. "Yeah, I guess they would. Still don't want to go."

"Did he ever do something to you?" To him, Adara was the type of person who would be fine with almost anything. But why didn't she want to meet the Crown Prince?

Adara's eyes slowly opened as she stared through her lashes at the ceiling. "No, not particularly. It was His Highness's birthday we were going to attend when my brother tried to kill me, but I don't hold it against him in any way. It was not his fault." She paused for a couple seconds. "Everyone thinks I'm a Southerner. But, because barely anyone in the Roan Kingdom originates from the South, they make fun of me because of my slight similarity to a Dark Elf. Though I tried really hard not to look like one, they see my skin and see the opportunity to make fun of me and Dark Elves at the same time. Two crows with one stone." She paused again. "Imagine how damaging it would be for a Dark Elf to be residing in the Kingdom His Highness will be ruling over? All those invites were to see if I truly was a Dark Elf. I have no way of knowing exactly how he would've realised I was one, or how he would deal with it if he did find out, but I didn't go either way. And he would have to get rid of me anyway. His Highness sees the benefits where they lay with the people. And to the people, Dark Elves are dangerous to be around."

That made them think of the Plaza Terror Incident and Crown Prince Alberu's role in it.

His Royal Highness, Crown Prince Alberu, as they wrote about in their letter to Cage and Taylor, has a single-use Ancient Power that can heal any injury or illness to the body's original healthy state. The Deceased Queen, his mother, had given it to him.

During the Plaza Terror Incident, the Secret Organisation made their move when the Royal Family arrived at the Plaza. Magic bombs they had planted around the Plaza went off at that moment.

In the novel, Choi Han, who had only been stopping by, was able to stop only half of it. Which, in itself, was extremely extraordinary seeing as he had no knowledge of it at all. That was enough for the Kingdom to consider him a hero. But Choi Han thought about the lives he could not save, making his hatred for the Secret Organisation worsen.

Some bombs were even planted on people, she thought, her eyes going blank.

Crown Princess Rosalyn, a figure in the many Royal Families in the Western Continent that Adara greatly admired when she was a kid, though the Crown Princess was only 4 years older than her, was also there. Together, Choi Han and the— not Crown Princess but— High-Grade Mage, Rosalyn, protected the people from the bombs. Then, there was an old man that Choi Han failed to save.

The old man had lost his right arm and leg to the bomb that was planted on him. Choi Han was there in his last moments. The Crown Prince was also there. He was also looking at the last moments of the old man.

[I can save him, the Crown Prince thought, his eyes on the missing limbs and the glazed-over eyes of the old man as tears leaked from them. I could save him. I could save him with 'The Healing Star'. He saw Choi Han there too. He too was staring at the old man. The young man, who saved almost everyone. Almost. His eyes went back to the old man. The dying old man. The young man, he thoughts suddenly, his gaze not shifting from the old man. He will be a hero.]

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