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As soon as they saw Toonka, Cale crouched down, pulling Adara with him. Toonka missed them, but he did see the Humpback Whale, much to everyone's dismay. Toonka grinned, the crazed look still prevalent in his eyes as he looked at the Whale. Somehow, he had acquired a wooden club that he swung about, cutting the air in the process.

"Is it you?" he asked, licking his lips. He chuckled maniacly. "This is my first time fighting a whale!"

Adara doubted Toonka knew the Whale was a Beast person, but she doubted that Toonka knew a lot of things.

The Humpback Whale looked at Toonka with a look of pure disdain, making Adara try to keep in a laugh. Adara did not often like haughty people, but this Whale was glaring at Toonka, the one who had made her skin crawl earlier this morning.

She tried standing up to see what was happening better, but Cale pulled her down again, insistent that none of them get hurt.

Of course, the Black Dragon was also curious about what they were doing. 'What are you doing?' he asked. 'If it is hiding, then I can turn you guys invisible,' he continued.

Adara softly shook her head. That would only cause problems; the Humpback Whale knew they were there, and it was unhandy for them to suddenly disappear.

"Can you just beat a whale to death?" Toonka wondered aloud, his eyes sparkling. He kicked off the ground, flying up in the air and trying to bring his club down on the Whale.

But the Humpback Whale sneered as Toonka swung his club. In a mesmerising moment, the giant Humpback Whale twisted its body and smacked Toonka to the side with its tail. Unfortunately, Toonka managed to land safely.

But, in the process, the Humpback Whale drenched the shoreline and Cale and Adara. Again. Adara pushed her curly hair out of her face, annoyed. She learned it yesterday, but her hair gets very tangled and frizzy if it is drenched in seawater. And incredibly heavy. Her clothes were sticking to her skin, irritating her further. As beautiful as the Humpback Whale, she did not need to splash them with water twice.

Toonka's reaction to getting drenched was very different from hers and Cale's. He was elated. "Great! Just great! Come on!" he yelled.

Toonka jumped again, this time aiming more with his club. As before, the Whale raised its tail and smacked Toonka to the other side, further from them. This time, however, the noise was much louder, making Adara flinch.

It was definitely not the sound of a Whale's tail making contact with a human.

Even Cale could not keep her down as she peeked, wanting to know what had happened. She saw it fairly easily as Toonka was grinning widely, and it drew her attention. Toonka's club had broken into pieces.

But Toonka still grinned, dropping the pieces of wood on the ground. "I knew I shouldn't have used something like a club! Fighting is best when you use your fists!" he exclaimed with another loud laugh.

Adara hated how loud he was; she was sure the other side of the island could hear his loud cackling even without her good hearing.

"Noona!" the small whale exclaimed. "If you keep fighting, those generous humans will get hurt!"

Adara's lip twitched, about to pull a sneer. She wasn't completely alone, so it was odd for her to show emotion. But the little Whale had just alerted Toonka of their presence if he was smart enough to listen.

Toonka flinched. "That puny whale is talking?"

The giant Humpback Whale glared down at Toonka, a beautiful voice coming from it. "You called my little brother puny?"

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