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They continued running down the dark tunnel, now in silence. Everyone was mulling over the new things they learned.

From in front, Choi Han stopped. "There is a wall here."

"Hit the centre of the wall with your fist with the same strength as before. Then we will continue to run as discussed," Cale said.

"I understand," Choi Han responded. The kittens jumped off of his shoulders and started to run. Choi Han punched the wall with the same strength as before.

The wall instantly collapsed. The moonlight was peeking through, illuminating the inside of the tunnel. She felt the dragon sit more up in her arms.

Venion, the ever-meticulous-son-of-a-bitch, also put a magic recording device outside the entrance of this secret tunnel. They needed the Mana Disturbance Tool to work on the entire mountain to disable that one since they didn't know exactly where the exit would end up. 

Cale checked his watch. "Two minutes." Adara started following Cale, using wide strides to walk faster. Choi Han was behind them, erasing their tracks and making new tracks. Living in the Forest of Darkness made creating and following tracks easy.

After running away for another two minutes, Cale and Adara came to a stop. She could hear the alarms that were ringing non-stop, suddenly stop blaring. The Mana Distrubance Tool stopped working.

Adara put the dragon on the grass. She put a hand to her chest, feeling how fast her heart was going. She could feel the Indestructible Shield gathering its strength, waiting, in case something happened. But she had no need for it. There was no one here who would hurt her. That thought made her heart calm. 

She looked at the dragon, it was calmer now. It had no rebellious gaze, only one of admiration as he stared at the night sky. It was the first time he had seen anything other than cave walls and torches in its four long years of life. She understood how he felt, but they didn't have the time to prolong this moment any longer.

The Black Dragon, as if feeling her gaze turned to look at her. Its eyes were once again filled with anger and resentment. He positioned his body as if he were ready to attack.

She liked the dragon. It didn't cave in. She used to be like that, ambitious and unyielding. She studied day and night, hoping that if she knew enough her father would find her worthy of his attention. The first time she talked to him when she was eight years old, ended with him screaming at her. She remembered that he had told her he didn't love her. That was when she broke. She isolated herself in her room, studying again. Except, this time so she could show herself that she could still be smart and worthy, without his attention. She gave in to her father, keeping her head low and not being in his presence for too long, but she never gave in to herself. She still studies sometimes, but not a lot since she read all the books, heard all the stories, and learnt all the academics, but just for fun. Wanting to see if she remembered it all. If she was still worthy.¹

[¹]: Again, I get how this could be confusing. As she said, she studied really hard when she was younger (this was also mentioned by her in previous chapters in regard to the Ancient Times and the Ancient powers) because her father was avoiding her. And not because he was cowardly, though why he was being a coward and the real reason for him avoiding her, in the beginning, will be explained in later chapters. She thought that if she studied really hard and knew everything, he'd pay more attention. As she said when she was 8 years she specifically sought out a meeting with her father. What they talked about will also be revealed later, as to why he blew up too. After isolating herself, she came to realise that her father didn't care about whether she knew the Ancient History of everything and everyone. So she continued studying, except this time for her. She changed it from being worthy of her father to being worthy of herself. She wanted to be good enough for herself, before being good enough for her father, even if she knows that nothing is good enough for him. So, yeah, more angst.

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