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It was a day before they would be leaving for the Capital. In the four days that they had, the kittens had spent the majority of the time exploring the Estate and the passageways, they came out of a bookcase once in a while, surprising Cale and Adara. They ate a lot too and ignored Hans often. They looked healthier and fuller by now, and they were certainly happier.

Adara peaked in Cale's room. They finished dinner a while ago, but she had a feeling that Cale wasn't sleeping. When she stepped inside, she saw that he was still awake, mulling over the map of their route.

"Can't sleep?" she asked. Cale looked up, and she saw how the circles under his eyes were darker in the harsh light of the lamp.

He blinked, almost as if he hadn't heard her come in. "Oh, yeah."

She walked over to him, got a chair and sat across from him. The rain was beating hard against the window, she hoped it would stop by tomorrow, she didn't want to go to the Capital on a rainy day. "Is it Ron?" she asked.

Cale laughed. "I want to say it's the rain."

She laughed with him, it was a quiet laugh, they weren't trying to wake anybody up, especially not the kittens who were sleeping soundly. She shook her head, serious now. "Ron won't do anything, you should know that. Beacrox also wouldn't."

He shrugged. "I know. I mean, I hope. He still makes my heart shaky even if I have the Indestructible Shield. But it's not only Ron. Or Beacrox for that matter." She made a motion to continue. "I think it's mostly that I'm worried for the Black Dragon. I'm worried that we might have a delay and we might not get there in time, or that the dragon loses his cool faster. It would be bad if we were near it, also if Choi Han was close by, then it means he'll have to fight it. And that would cause a ruckus."

Adara continued staring at him, even when he finished talking. "What?" he asked.

"You are thinking too much," she said after a second. Her voice was its normal indifferent and casual tone, yet Cale thought there was some calming effect to it. "Everything will be fine, we will get there on time even if I have to personally pull the carriages. The dragon might go berserk faster, but it is unlikely since we could not have changed that part of the storyline." She paused. "But if he does, I will make sure no buildings are destroyed and no people are harmed, I will make sure the inn we will be staying in will remain unscathed, and every single villager will live to see another day. That is what I will do, while Choi Han deals with the bigger problem. Venion will also be dealt with," she added. "And even if someone dies. Even if everyone in the envoy, everyone in the village, even if Choi Han, the swordmaster himself, dies, I will make sure you will survive." I cannot handle seeing your body die, she thought. Even if you are not in it. I will make sure this stranger, this strange Kim Rok Soo from another dimension, will live to see another day.

Cale didn't know what to say, he thinks he has a suspicion as to why she was being so fiercely protective, but he wouldn't dare say it out loud. "Yeah," he agreed, softly. "You're right. We prepared a lot. Everything will go according to plan." A yawn escaped his mouth. "I should probably go to sleep." The kittens were starting to wake up, she could tell.

Adara smiled softly, about to say something. It caught Cale off guard, it was a genuine smile. Pure, was the only word he could describe it as. And that was weird because Adara did not have a pure face. "There's a trick that worked on my Cale, though I'm not sure if it will work, but it should since you are in the same body." She got up from her chair, standing behind Cale.

"What are you..." he trailed off, as she started running her hands through his hair.

She was doing it absent-mindedly, simply untangling his hair while also massaging his scalp. Gently, of course, since her nails were sharp. He stopped talking immediately, closing his eyes, and leaning back in his chair. This would work better if you had longer hair, Adara thought, starting to hum quietly. I keep telling y— I kept telling him, 'You should let your hair grow out'. He never listened, he liked his short hair. She had a bittersweet smile on her face. And now he is gone. And I don't even know where he is.

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