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Adara watched his motions intently. He was staring down at the cold food on the table. She knew he was angry, though she had enough mind to see the signs that he was not angry at her and Cale or she would've started wishing she had her sword with her.

She knew the anger was thoroughly directed at the Secret Organisation, knew he was thinking of all the things they had done in his head to sharpen his rage until it became a sharp enough blade to stab them with. She knew this because she too was thinking about it. She didn't know for how long Cale's plan to avoid them would work, so she had a backup just in case.

Cale picked up a cold but still delicious slice of bread, and ripped off a piece to eat. He handed the bread to her and she took a bite from it as well. "We plan on telling you two things."

They had already discussed what to do when Choi Han would connect the dots and realised there was no way two children of two Counts under no faction would have such detailed information. She hadn't been particularly comfortable with the plan at first, and Cale worried about her for that, but she knew she would do it anyway. It was better to be meticulous than sloppy. And she would never forgive herself for being sloppy because she wasn't comfortable.

"But not everything?" Choi Han asked after a moment of consideration.

"Not everything," she confirmed.

Choi Han was staring at them, but Adara and Cale ignored his gaze and got up from their seat. They pushed the chair back but no noise was made. Cale made a motion for Choi Han to follow suit. "Stand up."

"Are we going somewhere?" he asked, standing up and walking closer to them.

Adara, on instinct from all those years ago, checked her watch. She knew it would only be welcoming visitors once the sun set, she also knew that it would shine brighter as the night got darker. She turned to Choi Han, her hair twisting in the air to follow her moment, her arms wide open, a vicious smile on her face. "Why, the brightest building on the darkest night of course. The Temple of Death." She made a half-assed bow, most Nobles would've punished their servants if they saw them bow like that, a hand on her heart as she looked up at Choi Han.

Choi Han flinched at her words and she felt her smile widen.

Her eyes sharpened as she stared up at Choi Han, thinking about things she has known for a while. Many Nobles visited the Temple of Death, even if they were not all believers, they still visited. It is because of Priest Aron, the Deaf Priest, she thought. Deaf Priests only resided in the Temples of the God of Death, they could be found in no other place on the Continent. The importance of this Deaf Priest was because they could not hear what is said in the room hosting the Vow of Death, therefore the people saying the Vow could rest assured that the Deaf Priest could not tell further. 

Adara and Cale walked to the door, stopping with their hands on the handles. They turned around to look at Choi Han who had not moved from where they previously were. They started to smile. "We plan on telling you two truths." Their voices harmonised together in an unnerving way, it made Choi Han flinch as he looked up at them. He saw that they were smiling, widely, the same smile they always had on. "With our lives on the line."

Choi Han's pupils shook as he stared at them. But they kept their smiles on as they turned to open the door. "Follow us."

Choi Han slowly moved closer to them. His eyes weren't shaking anymore but his face was still stiff.

They were slowly pushing the door open as they continued talking. "We will tell you the truth with our lives on the line," they repeated, confirming it for Choi Han, not for themselves.

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