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"What are you doing?" Cale asked, standing up in his chair as he watched with amazement as the library shifted in place.

Adara shrugged. "There seems to be a link of secret passageways underneath the Estate. I was curious, so I wanted to check it out." She turned to look at Cale. "You wanna go first?"

Cale looked at her incredulously. The passageway looked dark and steep, no way he was going first. Adara got the hint by only looking at his face. She sighed, turning to the open passageway. "Don't forget to put the book back, it'll close the passageway."

Cale nodded, putting the book in before quickly going through the passageway. "Where does it lead to?" he whispered, he didn't know why he was whispering but he felt the need to.

"No idea," she whispered back. "I'm guessing any room with a bookcase or a library."

They walked downwards for a long time before the floor was even again. "We should be well under the house by now," she whispered, looking up at the ceiling. Ahead, she could see more than one corridor. Walking through the corridor, they stood in the middle of several more corridors. Looking around, they were both in awe. "I think we're in the centre of the house at this point."

Cale wasn't taking his eyes off a few corridors. He quietly pointed to one of them. "The floor goes downwards there. There are more things down here, possibly rooms."

Adara felt a chill go down her back, she was not expecting that. Suddenly, a high-pitched scream came from one of the corridors, resonating around them. The scream was hoarse and filled with pain. She suddenly thought about the assassin she had gifted Beacrox. Adara and Cale took one look at each other and bolted in the opposite direction. Luckily, the corridor they had randomly chosen seemed to be going upwards.

The dark corridor was the same as the one they had previously been in, except now they were going up. Cale and Adara did not speak a word as they walked up, their footsteps quick. They came upon a dead end, except, it wasn't. It was the back of a bookcase. There was a hole cut out, a hole big enough to push a book and open the passageway. Adara stopped moving, waiting to see if she could hear anything. She heard no voices, no footsteps, not even breathing. "It's empty," she whispered.

Cale let out a sigh of relief. She pushed the book out, watching as the bookcases started moving aside.

As they walked out, the light seemed so bright compared to the darkness of the corridor. Adara pushed the book back in, the library moving back in place. She made eye contact with Cale. "Let's never go in there again," he said.

She nodded. "Unless it is necessary."

He nodded back.

Adara did not have a fun time waking up. Ron came to wake her up unlike the day before, and he had immediately given her lemonade tea. She thought it was water, so she drank it all in one go. Once realising what it was, she started coughing, but having already swallowed it, it resolved nothing. Even now she could still taste the aftertaste.

"Is this your first time in the Capital, Young Mistress?" Ron had asked.

She was too tired to glare at him. "You know it isn't."

Ron only shrugged his shoulders. "It does not matter, this Ron will make sure you shine as brightly as the Young Master will. And while we are camping outside, I could perhaps show you the way of hunting rabbits."

She waved her hand in a dismissive manner, still annoyed because of the lemonade. "Sure, sure, it'll be fun to use the assassin's techniques against them."

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