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Adara could tell that Cale was thinking about running, as the hands that were digging into her arm were pulling her away slightly. But she stayed, her eyes on the whale. The whale had enough strength to look at her and Cale, his blue eyes digging into her.

Adara knew about the Whale Tribe, and she knew their skin was thick enough that no mermaid's claws could penetrate it. Although their skin usually looked perfect and flawless, it was very tough. This Whale's skin got scratched. She thought back on that day in Billos's tea shop. When Cale told her everything he had read from the Novel, which type of Whale could get hurt by mermaid claws and poison?

A mixed-blood whale, she thought. Were there any mixed-blood Whales in the Novel? She thought about it, raking her mind. Finally, she remembered a mention of one. But that one died.

She looked down at the Whale, suddenly frowning. Well, he certainly hasn't died yet.

The Whale could no longer crawl. His body was shaking, a rigid hand trying to stretch towards her foot. She didn't step away.

'Human, Half-Not-Human, are you not going to help?' the Black Dragon asked doubt in his voice.

Adara was almost hurt by his doubt. Last time she saw someone so sick that their movements were rigid, they died a week later. Adara knew her morality was twisted and shrewd, and she only saved some people, but she would save this Whale.

She crouched in front of the Whale with the messy, long hair. She felt Cale's warmth from behind her. The Whale looked up at them, his eyes both seeing them but not seeing. "Save—."

"Oh, don't worry," she said. "We'll save you."

From behind her, Cale added, "Sleep for a bit. Everything will be fine when you wake back up."

The Mixed-Blood Whale did not hesitate as he closed his eyes and let his head fall to the ground. Adara stood up, walking closer to the scratched-up leg of the Mixed-Blood Whale. "It doesn't look good. We should hurry," she said, looking at Cale.

He nodded, standing up from his crouching position.

The dragon revealed himself after the Whale lost consciousness. He stared at the two, who seemed to have an understanding purely by looking into each other's eyes. "You are a very weird human. And half-not-human."

Cale waved off the dragon. "Enough nonsense," he said, pointing to the passed-out Whale. "Dunk him in the water."

Adara almost laughed at the face the Black Dragon made. "Human! Half-Not-Human!" he exclaimed, personally offended. "You said you were going to save him! You two are weak, but you have kept all of your promises until now! So why are you telling me to dunk him in the water?! Are you trying to make him suffocate to death?!"

Cale sighed heavily. "We're doing it to save him. After you put him in the water— you remember the corpses from earlier, right?"

The Black Dragon narrowed his eyes. "Just what are you trying to make me do?"

Adara waved him off with one hand. "Oh, don't worry," she repeated what she had told the Whale. Pointing to her arm, she continued, "Bring us back an arm from one of the corpses."

The Black Dragon looked even more shocked this time, but Adara ignored his slack jaw. The dragon was not immediately protesting, so she figured it would be fine.

The Black Dragon hesitated. "I will do as you asked for now."

She watched as the Whale was lifted into the air, and she followed him. Turning her head, she looked at Cale. "You go to the puddle; I'll stay with the Whale."

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