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Murmurs of surprise sounded, interrupting the King and his speech.

Adara could hear Eric's gasp, she could hear Taylor's anxious voice. She could hear every voice of concern, every mutter of disbelief. 

"What is that?"


"Who is that?"

"What is going on?"

But she paid no attention to it. Because she was looking at the top of the Bell Tower.

King Zed, having stopped talking as soon as the attention was off of him, looked behind him to see the Bell Tower. He started shouting. "Who are you?!"

Knights and Mages rushed to the Bell Tower. Even the citizens were starting to get nervous. Understandably, there was a strange person in black attire on top of the Bell Tower and only more people were appearing on other bombs in the area.

"Get down this instant!"

"Everybody, head up to the top of the buildings now!"

The man standing on top of the Bell Tower, in black attire and a mask, was peering down at them in amusement. It was the Blood-Crazy Motherfucker, Redika.

Adara, knowing that nobody would die because of his presence, was relieved he was here. If he had not shown up, they would have had a bit more difficulty finding him. But no, he was in front of them. He would die today.

Redika's hand became enveloped in red-coloured mana. He was a unique mage because people could see the colour of his mana. He swung his hand in a manic manner, grinning widely. "Should be fun," he said, voice like the screeching of metal.

Adara, ignoring the shiver down her spine, instead watched how his red mana shot out like sparks of lightning, erratically going to different parts of the Plaza.

A vibration could be felt from underneath the Bell Tower, magic devices going off in multiple places causing an annoying beep. The red mana, that had been sparking towards the magic bombs, suddenly lost its direction and started to spin around aimlessly.

It was a result of a disturbance in the natural way of mana.

Then, beeps started to appear in the Plaza as well. In four places.

Adara heard Cale's voice from next to her. "Found it," he said, his voice droned out by the alarms of the magic devices.

Adara would have been expecting 6 bombs on people. In the novel Kim Rok Soo read, there were 10 bombs in total. Four they found in places, she expected 6 to be found on people. But no. She could hear 4 separate beeps, ignoring the ones she heard from the places. Hmm, she thought, her mind in disarray by the noise around her. Maybe they only used 8 bombs in total then. Plans change.

As she expected, these newly developed bombs would have an alarm that sounded if something was wrong, just as the magic devices sounded when they freed the dragon.

Looking into the crowd, in the direction of the beeps that she could separate from the chaos, she could see Choi Han, Rosalyn, and Lock heading to the four locations.

10 minutes, she thought. They had 10 minutes to find as many bombs as they could. It was not expected of them to dismantle them all, but it did not matter. Because 10 minutes was enough to move the bombs to the mountain far away. If it went off there, it would not hurt anybody. And that would be easy because of Rosalyn and the Black Dragon.

'Found one human,' the dragon spoke up.

Adara could see Choi Han grab someone. The person looked at Choi Han in horror and restrain, but Choi Han simply ripped off their necklace. Before running away. The person had no choice but to look helplessly at the person who had just stolen their jewellery.

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