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From behind the door came two beautiful Whales. They were smiling as they walked in. Witira looked over the room with a cursory look, noting the fact that only one bed was slept in.

Cale stood up and walked to them, Adara next to him. "You didn't need to come to see us," Cale said.

Witira shrugged gracefully. "I needed to come to thank you as well as apologise for scaring you."

Adara only smiled at her, gesturing at the two couches facing each other. Witira and Paseton took her invitation, ignoring the way On and Hong's jaws dropped as they sat down.

When Cale and Adara sat down on the opposite couch, Witira watched their expressions carefully. They looked... tired. "Are you feeling okay, Young Master Cale and Young Mistress Adara?"

Cale made a twisting hand motion. "Eh, same as usual."

Adara nodded, smiling again. "We are both feeling well; thank you for your concern."

Witira narrowed her eyes at Adara slightly. There was something odd in the way she spoke and smiled. Witira wasn't sure what, but it was odd. She had a creeping suspicion Adara wasn't being truthful, though she wasn't sure how much of that was based on the smile on her face and the dark circles under her eyes rather than an actual feeling.

Adara, truthfully, was not feeling fine. For Cale, he felt perfectly fine even after sleeping for a measly two hours. But Adara felt slow and sluggish, her thoughts precise though her body responding slower. It was annoying, but she put up with it until she awoke properly.

Cale waved off her previous words. "No need to thank us. If you thank us anymore, it will not feel genuine. The same goes for the apology."

Witira smiled. "I understand," she said. "Thank you very much."

Both Cale and Adara stared at her blankly. Did she not hear what he had said? But Adara's attention was taken by how she spoke. Witira was speaking formally to them. She was the daughter of the Whale King, the future heir of the Whale Tribe. And she was hiding her identity from them?

Adara didn't like the sound of it. And the heir to the Whale Tribe came all the way to their room to thank them? It didn't sound likely. There was something more, something that relied on them not knowing their identities until they either agreed or gave the right piece of information.

Adara leaned into the couch, her leg over her other. "You just thanked us again. Please, no more."

"I'm glad you siblings got to meet back up," Cale added. "You can go now."

Adara knew Cale wanted the Whale Siblings out of the way. They already got rid of Toonka; why not get rid of them as well? She knew he wanted to head back to the Henituse Territory. And she knew that she didn't want to leave.

If they headed back to the Henituse Territory, she would need to go to the Thornwin Territory. This little expedition that her brother—or maybe not—arranged would end, and she would be back to her miserable existence of fighting for the Successor Position, fending off Sadie, keeping an eye on Rory, and looking out for any more spies that might be lurking in the corners; it would be a miserable existence indeed.

Because of these reasons, a small part of her didn't want to send the Whales off. If they stayed, she stayed. So when Witira spoke up with a, "Excuse me, Young Master Cale-nim and Young Mistress Adara-nim," she was overjoyed.

She was right. There was more that they wanted to say. They might stay for a bit longer. She might stay for a bit longer.

"We have a very old enemy," Witira continued, aware that Adara's hawk-like eyes were on her with a slight intensity she hadn't expected. "I'm sure you already know because you healed Paseton. It is the mermaids." She paused, and when neither Cale nor Adara spoke, she went on with her story. "However, my brother Paseton was able to figure out how they were able to get stronger suddenly."

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