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[Implied sexual content]

Adara smiled slyly. "Do not hide it; after all, I have always wondered where all the other Dark Elves are hiding." Her voice was impossibly soft, the words barely a whisper.

Vampires were outcasted like the Dark Elves, though perhaps a bit more. Vampires needed blood from living beings, and that freaked out almost everyone so they were thrown aside.

Cecilia's jaw dropped. "Oh. Where are you from then?"

Adara shrugged. "I am from the South-West."

Cecilia frowned at her wording. "You wonder where the Dark Elves are hidin'? Have ya never met another Dark Elf?"

Adara shook her head. "My parents died when I was too young. All I ever found about Dark Elves and Vampires were from books I found."

Cecilia leaned a bit closer to Adara. "How did ya realise I'm a Vampire?"

Adara smiled at her. "You are paler than the palest person I know, and your teeth are sharp. But I was purely guessing, I was just hoping how you responded would give me an indication as to what you were."

Cecilia grinned, her sharp teeth on display. "I thought you were a vampire from how pale ya skin is."

Adara smiled back. "I did make it a bit too pale, did I not?" She looked at her hand that was pressed up against Cecilia's cheek. They were nearly identical. "I just did not want there to be any error on seeing that I am pale."

"Well, darlin'," Cecilia chuckled, "you certainly nailed the pale look. I'd say you're even paler than me. Say, darlin', how did ya end up in here this night?"

Adara smiled even wider, an innocent look to her dark eyes. "I am actually an esteemed guest staying at the Palace of Joy, but I snuck out because their alcohol was not sufficient, and they did not call me 'Young Lady' often enough."

Cecilia laughed loudly. "If there is one thing I realised about you during the card game, is that I should not trust anything coming out of your mouth, Eris."

Adara smiled wordlessly, laughing on the inside at the irony.

And then Cecilia was done with laughing and staring at her with a glint of amusement in her eyes. "What would ya say to a small change of setting?"

Adara's eyebrows raised. "What do you have in mind?"

"The tavern is also an inn," Cecilia explained. "There are a few bedrooms upstairs."

Adara smiled widely. "I certainly harbour no objections to such a proposition."

Cecilia rolled her eyes. "You with your fancy gold pouches and gold words. Is that a yes or no? If it's a no we can just sit here and talk the night away, you don't need to say yes."

Adara leaned in, setting a soft kiss on Cecilia's lips. "Yes. It is a very big yes."

Cecilia smiled at that. "I'm hopin' you can kiss rougher than that, or else this night might be a tad too much for ya."

Adara raised an eyebrow at the challenge, a grin on her lips. "You want me to scandalise the whole tavern?" she asked, repeating what Cecilia had told her a couple hours ago.

Cecilia shook her head. "Of course not. I'd much rather you scandalise me alone."

Adara smiled at the comment. Standing up suddenly. Cecilia followed suit, both of them making their way to the creaky wooden staircase leading up to the bedrooms.

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